Rooster with injured leg


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2022
About 2 days ago I noticed one of my hens feathers missing and a pile of them in the yard. All of my hens are fine but my rooster is now unable to walk on one leg. He has been laying around and not moving much. I didn’t see any other signs of injury. He will get up occasionally and try to hop here and there. Any suggestions? I assume he was protecting his girls and got injured in the process. Is there anything that I can give him for pain relief?
Thanks for the help!
I'm sorry to hear about your rooster.
Hopefully someone can help you soon.
Do you see any injuries on him? Dose he have Bumblefoot? If so that might be cause him to only use one foot.
Broken bone??? Maybe....

I'm sorry I don't know much.
After the chickens go to bed, see if you can get hold of him for a close examination. Did he get up on the roost? Check him all over for injuries, parting the feathers and checking under the wings and all over. As you handle his legs, starting at the body and working down slowly and gently, feel for heat, swelling and tenderness. If you squeeze his joints gently, does he flinch, jerk, squawk or protest? Those would indicate pain. Flex his legs and see if he shows pain or stiffness, or reluctance to bend his joints. He may be bruised, which may show up as green or yellow discoloration, perhaps tomorrow.

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