Rooster has a bubble on his butt and something sticking out please help


Free Ranging
8 Years
Jan 2, 2016
Westminster sc
I found my rooster like this yesterday and have tryed some Preparation H to help him. I've applied it both inside and out, clean him the best I can with a bath. No signs of maggots or mites. Please what do I do?
But when we noticed this problem we rinsed him off and he had a white rubber like seed like object about the size of a dime but round that was hanging out of his butthole. We was careful and removed it and started applying Preparation H both internally and externally to the area.

Can you post a photo of the whole rooster?
Photos of the poop?
Did you happen to get a photo of the white rubber-like object that was hanging out of his vent?

It could be a tumor, it's hard to know. Give him a daily soak in epsom salts and keep applying the Prep H or an anti-inflammatory cream.
If it is a tumour. then a vet is not likely to improve his chances of survival in my opinion, so that would probably be a waste of money.
Does his back end/poop smell bad/worse than normal?

I'm in the UK so not familiar with the feed you are using. What is the percentage of protein in it? Wondering if it might be too high.

I can't think of anything else you can do other that keep it clean and probably an antibiotic cream or spray and possibly isolate to prevent other birds pecking it open, but I think this may not end well for him unfortunately. I would be interested to read other people's opinions.
I agree that it may be a tumour. It looks like it may have been pecked as well as the black bits look like scabbing from injury. Is he able to poop and if so, what does it look like? If you have the funds for veterinary care and he is a pet, then I would seek professional advice. If not then make sure to keep him clean and if/when he is unable to poop and/or stops eating, then be prepared to euthanize him.
How old is he?
Is he able to walk about and otherwise act normal?
What do you feed your flock?
If he is obese or constipated he could possibly become prolapsed, but it would be unusual for a rooster and normally with a prolapse the internal tissue is pushed outside the body. Most of this swelling is clearly external skin.
I'm going to move all my pins and spray them down with bleach 50/50 water. Im going to soak him in the next couple of hours after i get pens sprayed and moved. And I will upload pics of him before the soak and after the soak. The swelling is about the same but the smell is almost completely gone. Still going to apply the Preparation H internally and externally. This is now day 3 of this ongoing problem
Still not really pooping it's kind of just dripping out
It makes him poop a little and then blood starts to come out his butt. It is not hard but is firm. Normal body temperature.
@Chickassan could be right about it being an abscess. If you have vet care, that is always best.
I'm not sure how much longer he can go this way, especially if he is picking at it. Even with your diligence in keeping it cleaned, there's a chance it can become infected.

Lancing it may be your best option at this point.

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