Possible Mareks/B2 deficiency?

Did you ever get the Corid? Or some amprollium from your vet and start it? Could she have been pecked nesr her eye? Are you seeing any bubbles in the eyes? A swollen eye area can be a sign of a respiratory disease that causes pinkeye and sinus infection. Doe she sneeze or have noisy breathing? Riboflavin (B2) is needed for the curling under toes. But is you are using B complex, it has B1 thiamine, and it should not be given with Corid since Corid works by mimicing thiamine. They do sell riboflavin separately in drug stores, or you could feed a little cooked liver. Unfortunately, she still could be showing signs of Mareks since the disease makes them have poor immunity to common diseases.
I haven’t been able to get the amprollium yet. Vets in our area are a little hesitant on giving medications to animals without prescriptions but I’ll still try to find some. She hasn’t been with any other chickens since I’ve separated her so it couldn’t have been that. She has been kicking a lot so I’m wondering if she could’ve got a nail in the eye. Her breathing seems to be fine. I know we did find B2 pills but we got the complex instead so we can go out and get just the B2 pills if needed. Ah that’s really too bad. I’m still keeping an eye on the rest of the flock and the chicks that Terrie was living with and they don’t seem to be displaying any symptoms but I’ll still keep a good lookout. At this point I’m trying to keep
Terrie as warm and comfortable as I can and she does seem to be resting fine.
If you are not using amprollium, then just give the B50 complex that you already have. I would be calling and try to convince a vet to give you the amprollium unless you are no longer seeing any blood in the droppings. Would your vet let you bring in a sample of poop for a fecal float, then see Amprol if it shows coccidiosis?

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