Which vitamin deficiency??


In the Brooder
Nov 25, 2022
We have 3 silkie chickensa about a year and a half old.one has always been a bit smaller then the other 2 bur really sassy and healthy..recently she appears to have lost weight and is having serious trouble with balance which has now turned into her not walking at all. I checked her for an injury to her legs at first bumblefoot leg mites and we've been giving her vitamin B in her water but I am not really sure what deficiency she might have which is what I think it is so I'm not sure how I should be treating her. If anyone has any suggestions as to what she might have and how I can fix this I would be very grateful because these are three very large little chickens and I don't want to see something happen to her
What are you feeding them? Even if it's a good layer feed, I will still give mine vitamin supplements as in Poultry Cell water every so often and Rooster Booster pellets mixed in their food.

I'd try a Vit E pill (400 i.u.) just pop it in her mouth. Feed a little scrambled eggs so she gets some selenium to help absorb the E. I would do it this way as if you try opening it up and mixing it in the feed, she probably won't eat it and if she does, she's not getting a full dose of E. I'd do this for a couple of weeks, and continue the Vit. B.
How old is the silkie who is not walking and had trouble with balance? Are the toes curled under or is she sitting on her hocks? What are they eating? Were they vaccinated for Mareks disease? I would try giving her human vitamin E 400 IU and 1/4 tablet of human Super B complex tablets daily for at least 2 weeks. Generic vitamins are fine, and you can find those at Walmart, Walgreens, etc. Make sure that she can get to food and water. A bit of egg daily can help with the vitamin E.

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