Pekin Duck Bill Colors (White vs. Yellow)


10 Years
May 7, 2009
We have four pekin ducklings. They are from the same hatch, but were separated at 12 days old for about 4 weeks. They are now back together. My concern is, the two that were separated off have very faded, white bills. The other two have vibrant, healthy looking yellow bills. I don't know of any change from their routine when they weren't with me as far as type of food. Can anyone tell me why they're bills would be a different color? They appear normal and healthy otherwise.
Anyone? I'm wondering if it is some kind of nutritional deficiency. If so, I want to make sure I get them whatever they need.
I have 3 Pekins who have the typical Pekin beak color and one that has a flesh colored beak. I have no idea why either. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will know.

Were some of the Pekins inside, vs some of them outside???

I do know that inside raised Pekins take on a more yellow look to the feathers than outside raised Pekins. It's the only thing I can think of.

Nope, all mine are inside and the one who has the flesh colored beak has been that way since I got him.

Hmmm I'm going to have to research this.

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we have pekins that we ordered this year and out of 4 one got the pasty rear end and was sickly...once the rear end thing got taken care of it pooped out a bunch of stuff and was fine...but it's bill was a rosey pink's more flesh color now but all the others have bright yellow/orange bills...don't know if the illness had anything to do with bill color but just my observation...virginia


ps...all pekins ordered are supposed to be female so bill color shouldn't have anything to do with sex of the bird...
here they are the day we got them...


notice the one with the light pink bill...this is after her rear end problem was taken care of...hence her name is forever "pinky stinky"
I don't have the pink bill issue, but those of mine that were inside more are the ones that had the yellow bills. The others, who belong to some family members, kept theirs outside more. They are all oustide now in the barn. Our barn has an open, fenced area outside their shelter so they can be in the sun or shelter, whichever they choose.

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