Ocellated Turkeys

This is a rare, extremely difficult to keep species of wild turkey from central America. Not a domestic breed.
Theyre $3000 a pair if you really want some, to this day, Virgil Bates is the only facility to commonly reproduce them.
Read all the articles and post.... They die like.flys in captivity if you arent 100% ready to cator to their every need.
Oh and much below 40-50° will kill them too.

Best to look at and leave to the exotic experts on these
This is a rare, extremely difficult to keep species of wild turkey from central America. Not a domestic breed.
Theyre $3000 a pair if you really want some, to this day, Virgil Bates is the only facility to commonly reproduce them.
Read all the articles and post.... They die like.flys in captivity if you arent 100% ready to cator to their every need.
Oh and much below 40-50° will kill them too.

Best to look at and leave to the exotic experts on these
Yes I could not agree with you more.

Virgil Bates is way down in Florida where he probably doesn't have to worry much about it getting too cold for his ocellateds. In the panhandle of Florida where I am at I would most certainly need indoor housing for winter. So most places will not be suitable for them without some good indoor housing for the winter.

I know most people are getting caught up in how beautiful they are and how unique they look compared to other turkeys, but don't let their looks blind you. Even if you have experience with turkeys these guys are a whole different ballgame and they are near threatened in the wild and they don't have nearly as wide a range as Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey).

If you are still serious about owning them then read through this topic and contact Virgil Bates of the Florida Avian Conservancy. He is very nice and would probably be willing to give you some information about the Ocellateds. I would also contact the other people from the links that I gave on page 8 to see how their ocellateds are doing and if they have any tips as well. Pinola Preserve has done very well with many difficult to raise & breed birds and they have some of the best facilities so I have high hopes that they will be successful with the ocellateds they got last year, but you never know.

I am guessing the ocellateds would be more wild acting. Since they seem to be a jungle bird having a planted aviary would probably be very beneficial as well as having their aviary away from your other bird pens just to keep them safer from catching things from your other birds. They would need something to keep them busy even inside during the winter so that they do not get bored/stressed.
lol nah... The info you're after was posted before your second-last post in this thread, you have to go digging through the documents listed for the answers you're after.

But asides from that, if you go checking the dates on the posts, you'll see this thread is a very slow and quiet one, mainly 'enlivened' by people semi-regularly asking the same questions others have asked without reading through the thread beforehand. ;)

Best wishes.

Yeah that's because 90+ messages on are hard to dig through...
Hi i am very interested in getting a pair of ocellated turkeys i am from ontario canada please let me know if you have any for sale or when you will have some

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