Newborn chick with mangled legs

Barbie walls

Oct 21, 2020
Hi I’m new to this forum as we are new to raising chicks. We had a baby hatch yesterday and it’s legs are spread wide apart I believe they call that splayed and also it’s feet are all curled up. I have read about rubberbanding the legs together so that they can grow strong but the poor fella feet are so drawn up it can’t even walk on them I’m not sure what to do with his poor thing it chirps and chirps and it seems strong other than that but I don’t know if it will make it past tomorrow please help.


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Its worse than splayed legs and crooked toes, leg looks twisted. Looks more like a debilitating mutation. I think I'm counting 6 toes on that one leg and at least 5 on the other. I'd be more humane to euthanize it in my opinion.
Its worse than splayed legs and crooked toes, leg looks twisted. Looks more like a debilitating mutation. I think I'm counting 6 toes on that one leg and at least 5 on the other. I'd be more humane to euthanize it in my opinion.
Thank you...sad :(
Is there something to give it...we really don't have the funds to pay to have it put down.
Snipping the head of with sharp sheers is the fastest and humane way, though it sounds gruesome. Suitable for chicks 1-3 days old. I'm sorry you're faced with that decision. I wouldn't judge you either way, if you decide to cull, or decide to try to treat. It's a tough call. I didn't count the toes when I looked at the picture the first time.
If you think you can mentally deal with it, maybe try to treat but keep in mind you might have to cull later? The one leg looks “fixeable”. That other one tho ... I think I’ve read about chickens with deformities in their legs getting along fine? Depends what your plans are for it and your set up. I figured for myself if I had a hen with some slight handicap like a crooked leg but able to get to food and water and in and out of the coop and be okay in the flock and seems to be happy that that was fine. However if one needed special daily care or a wheelchair or something then no, I couldn’t do that. Can’t have a house chicken. Also to consider if if there are these deformities on the outside, what’s going on in the inside of the chick?
Could you please post some additional photos?
I would suggest that you try to treat its legs and see how it goes - following the information on the website provided by humblehillsfarm. But on further inspection there appears to be more going on with the chicks legs and feet.
I would still suggest to try treating, but I can't really come up with more appropriate suggestions without being clear on the extent of the chick's issues.

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