
  1. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Salmon Faverolles with Potential Bumblefoot (Pictures)

    I have three Salmon Faverolles (named Brie, Mari, and Debbi) with what I think is bumble foot. None of the other breeds have this. They are 10 months old and in good health aside for the feet. I noticed it first about 1 month ago. We did a ton of research and tried to remove the bumblefoot from...
  2. Z

    Severely crooked toes

    I’ve got 25 6-week-olds and about half of them have severely curled toes. I haven’t seen this previously with our incubated eggs. Reading online brings up so many possibilities of what went wrong so I wonder if anyone here can help narrow down the culprit? My flock consists of a Marans rooster...
  3. IamHEC

    Why the black?

    Here is my Smokey Pearl, Pearl. Just courteous, why are her comb, waddle, and legs are black?
  4. biscotti

    Are these duck nails normal? Or anything to worry about?

    Hi! It's been a while since I've been in here, and I was curious for people's opinions of my boy's nails. Without looking closely they seem fine (and honestly, my initial instinct is that they are) but I'm new to having ducks so I want to have other other people's opinions. I never really...
  5. SokeyDokey

    What are these toe lumps?

    I recently acquired 8 chicks from an auction and noticed that two of these chicks has these lumps on the end of its toes. What is this? Is it infectious ?
  6. Average Flock

    Chicken Can't Stand

    I have a four year old Golden Comet hen who my brother took to the county fair a few weeks ago. While she was there she collapsed and since has not been able to stand up. She has lost a lot of weight. During the first few days after bringing her home she refused to eat or drink, however since...
  7. P


    I have a scalped chicken living in a crate in a bathroom while she heals. She did have another pullet with her, they're buddies, but yesterday there were pulled feathers off her friend and her head wound had been pecked. So I took the friend back to my son's coop, figuring one unhappy chicken...
  8. G

    Disabled chick

    Hi everyone! we just hatched a silkie chick who we could see in the incubator was having a tough time, we didn't know the extent of it until we pulled him/her out. Now I have her in her own area as she was getting ran over. It seems like one of her legs didn't set right/ isn't placed correctly...
  9. Ted the Rooster

    My Roosters Feet

    My roosters been lifting his feet high when he walks and his scales are lifted and his feet are red. I’ve been spraying colloidal silver mixed with water on them for months but no change. Is there anything I can do to help his feet?
  10. Dr_Eyeball

    Unidentified duck foot crusty infection, seeking advice

    Hi. I have recently bought 3 Muscovy ducklings about 10 days ago. (I also have 2 chickens and have had more of both in the past.) The situation: The ducklings are roughly 4, 6 & 8 weeks old. The oldest is also significantly larger, so I suspect it is a drake. The oldest has some sort of foot...
  11. William Mellor15

    Quail pecking other Quails toes

    Hello, I've recently acquired 2 quails and they're living together, male and female, they were from different shops so this is their first introduction to each other, yesterday i noticed he started pecking and pulling her toes out from under her, as if he's found some sort of worm. He does the...
  12. S

    Bumblefoot- week after scab removal

    Hi everyone, I used to have an account here a while back but seemed to have lost my login information. I have a rooster who is a week into recovery from a bumblefoot scab removal on both feet, a vet performed the scab removal. Rooster was born around 2020 (two years old), breed is a polish...
  13. Launchpad

    Male Cayuga - normal feet or bumble

    Frasier is an almost 4 month Cayuga. Today I noticed him standing on one foot two separate times. So we caught him and took some pictures. There was a small cut on the L foot and it's not even visible in the photos which may have been the source. But I noticed the spots and it's the age old...
  14. C

    NEED HELP PLEASE!! Chicken with bad leg

    I really need help don't know what to do next, thinking amputation but the vet is not available. If anybody knows a way to go about this please help. I've made more posts about my rooster with more information, but not much help as far as medical treatment for his foot. Here are the most recent...
  15. S

    6-7 week old pullet with rash on legs??

    Hi I’m a new member here, today I noticed that one of my new blue laced red Wyandotte chickens, (Blue), has a small rash on their feet. The rash has some raised little blisters on it. Obviously this concerned me so I scoured the internet, but I couldn’t find anything that seemed similar to what...
  16. creedatticus

    Silkie Feet

    how often should you clean silkie feet? is it bad if they are dirty?
  17. creedatticus

    Silkie Chick Dirty Feet

    we have two silkies, and they are about 6 weeks. they walk around in their brooder (soon to be coop!) and they get poop on their feet. the poop is sticky. and shavings get stuck to their feet, and their feet are all matted with poop. is there is a way to clean their feet or stop their feet from...
  18. How to Knock a Chicken's Socks Off

    How to Knock a Chicken's Socks Off

    I've encountered a number of people, online and IRL, who find the idea of eating chicken feet disgusting -- both on the level of squeamish emotion, because while most chicken parts cut up don't much resemble a living chicken but feet always look like FEET -- and because they believe that chicken...
  19. bridgetamelia98

    Quail claw swollen!?

    My quail seems to have swollen back claws (toes on the back of their feet) I’m not sure if the nails have come off or that the skin has swollen around them but they are not visible and the claw seems to be rather swollen compared to my other quails, what could this be and how would I fix it? I...
  20. A

    Broken toe on chick

    I have a two month old chicken I purchased with what appears to be a broken toe. What is the best way to splint, if needed?
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