My WPR is in need of help please!!

Dumm phone, sorry. At least 15 chickens, 10 cats, and two dogs. We also have 4 children. So i know what you can when you say there is always something going on.. lol How is your chicken today? Mine is the same as yesterday. I gave her a warm bath and gave her some more karo and olive oil. Hope one of them does the trick!
Thanks for your input Dawg53, sorry that I didn't notice it was you last night. These last few days have been very trying between kids, and the chickens and the holidays. I was sooo out of it last night lol. My chicken still is feeling the same way today as she was yesterday. I manage to help her get another large hard clump of poo out. I am hoping it is as simple as constipation... Chances are slim but one has to hope. Thanks again.
Not much yet. Still trying the same things.. Just wish I could figure out what it is that is inside her.. I know it is not normal! I have never had a bird with problems like this before. I did at one point have over 30 birds. We have reduced our flock though. I want some more SS and WPR's. They just have such great personalitie's and temperments. They also make great moms!
Hope your bird gets better soon to, Keep me posted on her progress and I will do the same. If you want or need to you can PM me any time.

The mass could be a tumor or a bunch of eggs that have gone bad. I'll post the necropsy pics when I get to my computer.
Waiting to see the pics.. abdomen on my hen seems to be getting a little softer.
This was the 1kg mass that I found in one of my hens. It was in her uterus.

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This was the 1kg mass that I found in one of my hens. It was in her uterus.

By this diagram and the feeling of the mass in my chicken, the location ov my hens mass still seme to be in the intestine. When you took the mass out of your chicken where in her abdomen was it located? Was it low or high? The location of the mass in my hen feels like it is low. It did also feel as if it was getting smaller and softer here in the last few days. I had her in a crate and was giving her almost all liquids. I am going to try giving her more cooked eggs and some other things that are easily digestable here tonight. Thank you for the picture of the mass it is most informing. I am hopeing that I am not looking at the same thing here. But I will be watchfull of it now. Thanks again.
If you look at the last picture, you could feel the mass right about where it says "intestine or gut", but I have also been able to feel eggs there, too, so don't give up hope. I think maybe "stuff" shifts around in there a little.
Hen is doing worse again. I am starting to think it is some kind of mass inside her. Has anyone ever tried to perform surgery on their own? I at this point am wondering of there is a possability to save her. Or is there no hope and she should be put out of her misery.
I now have another chicken that is down. She is stumbaling and has her feathers fluffed all the time. I have brought them both inside into the warm house. I gave them both a water mixture that has vitamins and electrolytes and some tetracycline. I had to stick a syringe down their throats to get them to take the water solution. I am about to give up on most of the birds that I have now and get some new chicks here in the next month or two. Anyone have any thoghts?
Hen is doing worse again. I am starting to think it is some kind of mass inside her. Has anyone ever tried to perform surgery on their own? I at this point am wondering of there is a possability to save her. Or is there no hope and she should be put out of her misery.
I now have another chicken that is down. She is stumbaling and has her feathers fluffed all the time. I have brought them both inside into the warm house. I gave them both a water mixture that has vitamins and electrolytes and some tetracycline. I had to stick a syringe down their throats to get them to take the water solution. I am about to give up on most of the birds that I have now and get some new chicks here in the next month or two. Anyone have any thoghts?

Abdominal surgery is very risky even in proper surgical setting.

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