My WPR is in need of help please!!


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
My WPR hen, I thought she was egg bound. I brought her inside, put her in warm water to soak, and started to feel around. What I thought was an egg now feels like a large, hard, lumpy mass around where her intestines would be. Could she be constipated? If so, how do I treat it? Do I give her Olive oil? I noticed she is loosing weight and she was my best layer. I would really hate to loose her. She is only two years old. An egg wouldn't feel "lumpy" would it? I have never had one feel like that before, but I have seen some strange things on here so I guess it wouldn't surprise me too much. Please, help me to get my girl back to normal... Please.
Thank you.
Did you find anything out yet???? My 3 year old RIR hen is doing the same thing...just started this afternoon. She had been losing a few feathers, but just thought it was her normal moulting. When I went out to give my girls their afternoon snack, I noticed she was dripping from her vent, and I thought it was an egg hung up, because she usually lays a jumbo about every day, at least every other day. I have taken the same course of action as you have so far (brought her inside, soaked her) and she pooped once in the water, and again about 30 min later. I gave her a few tiny pieces of bread soaked in olive oil, and some water, and she took both just fine. So at least we have a little coming out, anyway. PLEASE let me know what you find out, and I will keep searching the net as well, and will post here anything I find out. She is my favorite, and I don't want to give up on her! Hopefully someone will see our posts and will have some advice!! Thanks, and good luck!
Can no one help me? Please, I am begging for help here...
You didnt mention when was the last time she laid an egg. By your description; a large, hard lumpy mass could possibly be multiple eggs forming inside her causing possible impactation. I recommend that you continue soaking her in warm water and massage her underside while she's soaking. Do this for about 30 minutes. Then put on a disposable glove and put olive oil on your finger and gently insert your lubed finger inside her vent checking for debris or blockages. Then remove your finger and put a little olive oil around her vent area. Soaking in warm water relaxes and expands her innards, massaging help move the egg(s) along. Finger in the vent stretches it and the olive oil makes it easier for her to lay the egg. Soak as often as necessary.
Another possibility is that there could be some sort of abnormality inside her, perhaps a tumor of some sort since you stated that she has lost weight.
A tumor has crossed my mind. I did inspect er insides, What I found when I inserted my finger was hard, thick poop in her. I tried to feel for an egg like mass but what I felt seemed more like intestine that was impacted. Not quite sure how this could have happened. On the bright side she is alert and active. I do not know when the last time she layed an egg was. They all kind of lay in the same spot no matter what I do.
Although she is alert and active this "lump" or "mass" of whatever it is has me concerned. I gave her some Karo/water solution to try to break it up and have removed her food from her temporary home ( a small dog crate ). I will also continue to soak her in water every day untill I notice some kind of difference or can tell what it might be.
For now she will be in her crate in my room so I can keep an eye on her and tend to her as needed. If there is anything else I can or should be doing for her please let me know.
Not much yet. Still trying the same things.. Just wish I could figure out what it is that is inside her.. I know it is not normal! I have never had a bird with problems like this before. I did at one point have over 30 birds. We have reduced our flock though. I want some more SS and WPR's. They just have such great personalitie's and temperments. They also make great moms!
Hope your bird gets better soon to, Keep me posted on her progress and I will do the same. If you want or need to you can PM me any time.
When did you see a reply from Dawg53? I was hoping he would chime in here, but I am still not seeing anything from him... Hope he helped you out!

He gives great advice. As do others.
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Thanks for the welcome! I have never posted on a website before, but I just had to reach out when I read your post.
The way this forum displays on my computer, Dawg53 replied to your post where you were begging for help. You're right, it was great advice! We have 14 feathered family members here on our farm...3 Pekin Ducks, and the rest chickens. We also have 5 horses, 10 cats, a fish, and a Golden Retriever. Never a dull moment around this place!

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