Campbell colours?


Jun 27, 2022
Atlantic Canada
I have these three 5-week-old Campbells - two are khakis, but what's up with the third? It was yellow at hatch, so I assumed it was a white Campbell, but it's colouring is coming in not-white? I'm brand new to ducks - will it go white as it gets older? Is it some other colour or mix of colours?

Not concerned about it, just curious about what I have here! I also welcome sex guesses. All 3 have started making a quacky noise, but they all still kind of peep-quack, so I'm not confident to call them females yet.

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This is a recessive trait known as snowy or harlequin. Both parents must carry it. Yes, there are snowy runners. I recently hatched a snowy Hookbill from two non-snowy parents. Yours appears to be a drake btw.
This is a recessive trait known as snowy or harlequin. Both parents must carry it. Yes, there are snowy runners. I recently hatched a snowy Hookbill from two non-snowy parents. Yours appears to be a drake btw.
What makes you think drake?

And how did I end up with a snowy Campbell? I don’t think that’s a thing?
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What makes you think drake?

And how did I end up with a snowy Campbell? I don’t think that’s a thing?
No, there isn’t really such a thing. Although, Welsh Harlequins were bred from Khakis and are snowy. Where did you get them? Unlike dogs, poultry do not have genealogy papers. So, you can outcross to another type of duck, cross back to the original type for a couple generations and call them purebreds. But, recessive traits can hide.

I suspect drake because of the dark feathers above the tail and the rust chest feathers. If it is quacking though, I could be wrong.

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