My hens are fighting! What can I do?


Feb 21, 2023
So I have one silkie hen named Belle she is a year old and lives with my other hens and rooster and her sister Tilda. She has always picked fights with her sister like ripping and biting, chest bumping and hackles raised. They would draw blood though I always pulled one away before they could really hurt each other. Then we moved them in with the other chickens and Almanzo kept them in line. Then I just got rid of Almanzo and I don’t think Royal my other rooster has stepped up to his new role yet. So this morning she came out bloody then started fighting with tilda. I washed her up and have her in a brooder until she dries and I can figure out what to do. She has always acted a little odd. She kinda stands by herself doesn’t run as much her butt is really dirty but I think it’s just dirt. She has hardly any tail or wings and a big body. She eats, drinks, comes up to me I think she’s laying. Some time ago she did lay a soft shell egg in the middle of the run. So what can I do to keep her from fighting and how should I put her back? I’m moving in a 6 week old chick and her mom Amelia soon and I’m worried Belle is going to hurt her. When Amelia was broody and came out to eat and drink Belle would attack her so I moved her somewhere else for that and some other reasons.
The pecking order is a totally normal thing, which consists of chickens squabbling over resources such as food, water, nesting sites and more. But if you have a female who is constantly attacking another one and is actually injuring them, then she needs to go. I would suggest killing her to prevent any further injuries.
I don’t think I can do that she’s my pet.
So I tried putting her back in again twice and they kept fighting. I mean they’re acting like roosters without spurs. Should I just let them fight it out? Or should I separate Belle and then put her in like she’s a new chicken? I’ve added quite a few new chickens and it’s all gone pretty smoothly. She also doesn’t look like she’s healthy but she’s not acting sick so I don’t know if she’s just molting and dirty or what.
So I tried putting her back in again twice and they kept fighting. I mean they’re acting like roosters without spurs. Should I just let them fight it out? Or should I separate Belle and then put her in like she’s a new chicken? I’ve added quite a few new chickens and it’s all gone pretty smoothly. She also doesn’t look like she’s healthy but she’s not acting sick so I don’t know if she’s just molting and dirty or what.
Do you have a picture of her?

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