My Chicken falls down when she tries to run (video)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Riverside, CA
This is Sprout. I rescued a flock of 17 chickens about a year ago (and a turkey). So far they have all been great. I lost one to a severe prolapse and as of yet has been the only casualty.

Last week I walked into the coop and she was in a crumpled heap. I picked her up, she stood up and walked off. When I picked her up I also noticed her being extremely thin. So I separated her and came here. Looked at everything everyone has said about similar situations and tried a few things.

They had all been wormed with wazine about 8 weeks ago. I had also purchased some Valbazin for them, but hadn't wormed them with that yet. So I went ahead and gave just her some and hoped for the best.

She eats fine, drinks fine and wanders around. Once she tries to run, its party over.

I gave her the wormer last week, she is still skinny. She is getting super spoiled because I make sure she eats. She scratched out in the garden and hammered 3 big ol earthworms before they even knew what hit them. Im sort of at a loss as she doesn't seem to fit all of the symptoms for mercks or avian en(buncha letters)its

Here is a video and a few pics. If anyone has a clue please let me know. New to chickens and i am stumped. She seems better this week, attitude wise, not so much on the coordination. Thank you all in advance

How unusual. I feel bad for Sprout! Looks she she gets along okay except for the running...which she will need for predators. It looks almost like it's neurological??? My biggest concern would be the others in the flock discovering her weakness. Chickens can be merciless. Sorry that I no idea - hopefully someone will chime in soon - best wishes!!
It does seam neurological. Very odd. Sorry I don't know what would cause it other than that or how to fix it.
yeah, thanks guys. I am really stumped as well. I pulled her from the rest of the flock because they can be so mean. The hen you see her with is my escape artist, I guess she just wants to keep her company. If she was infected with something, I didn't want her with the rest of the flock, but the reality is that is where I found her when she was ill. She did run almost two whole steps this afternoon and didn't fall, so I am hoping she is improving. So far all the other girls are just fine.
Does she have an impacted or sour crop? I am completely new to chickens, this being our first flock and only 8 weeks old now. But we had a chick that did some strange behavior similar to this. She would fall down while eating but only sometimes and looked stunned. She (well, later we realized it is a he:) turned out to have an impacted crop. I have no idea why it made him behave the way he did, it looked like a neurological problem with him too. But we treated him for that and he made a complete and immediate turn around. Either way good luck with her!

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