mom hatched indian runner chicks - how to care for


13 Years
Oct 16, 2007
Chelsea, MI
we have a momma runner duck that hatched 2 chicks (5 eggs remain) this weekend. we moved her to a cage to protect her from the weather (we had hail on saturday) and better monitor the hatchlings. what do we feed them? they are in a dog crate with a small dish of chick food and a bowl of water but i do not see them eating the chick food. since they are under their momma and she is still on eggs, we want to be sure no one starves. any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
we have a momma runner duck that hatched 2 chicks (5 eggs remain) this weekend. we moved her to a cage to protect her from the weather (we had hail on saturday) and better monitor the hatchlings. what do we feed them? they are in a dog crate with a small dish of chick food and a bowl of water but i do not see them eating the chick food. since they are under their momma and she is still on eggs, we want to be sure no one starves. any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I assume these chicks are ducklings? Congrats! they will eat but it's usually 24-36 hrs after hatch they are living on the egg sac till then. Place water and food close by so mama doesn't have to get up, most likely she will after about 3-4 days to care for her babies. make sure the water isn't in an open container that a duckling could fall into and chill or drown.
yes they are ducklings. we had chick starter but i've ready they cannot have that if it's medicated so i purchased nonmedicated gamebird starter. it is in a small bowl by the momma and i've put in a paint tray for their drinking/water play. i haven't seen anyone eating yet, and i've gotten a little concerned. we are moving them to an outside area (sheltered) this weekend and it has grass, etc. for them to explore. but i still want to be sure they eat before then or i don't think i'll have any ducklings!!!
yes they are ducklings. we had chick starter but i've ready they cannot have that if it's medicated so i purchased nonmedicated gamebird starter. it is in a small bowl by the momma and i've put in a paint tray for their drinking/water play. i haven't seen anyone eating yet, and i've gotten a little concerned. we are moving them to an outside area (sheltered) this weekend and it has grass, etc. for them to explore. but i still want to be sure they eat before then or i don't think i'll have any ducklings!!!
Hatched Sat or Sunday? you should see them eating tomorrow for sure. were all the eggs due to hatch at the same time? if so tomorrow if none of the remaining have hatched I'd candle that way you can toss them if they aren't going to hatch and mama can get down to the business of taking care of her ducklings.
i found them saturday afternoon so i'm assuming they were born friday. we are unsure when these eggs were laid - these could be the last laid or the first laid. we are going to give them to the end of the week. i don't know how to candle eggs and know if there's life inside the shell (sounds like a tv show). i've seen the momma eat some food and drink, leaving floaties which the babies have started eating. hope it's enough!

we only have 2 ducks and have had the mom for 3 years; never expected her to get broody/motherly. we've read they don't so it was a surprise to find that she was sitting on a nest in our front flower bed.
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i found them saturday afternoon so i'm assuming they were born friday. we are unsure when these eggs were laid - these could be the last laid or the first laid. we are going to give them to the end of the week. i don't know how to candle eggs and know if there's life inside the shell (sounds like a tv show). i've seen the momma eat some food and drink, leaving floaties which the babies have started eating. hope it's enough!

we only have 2 ducks and have had the mom for 3 years; never expected her to get broody/motherly. we've read they don't so it was a surprise to find that she was sitting on a nest in our front flower bed.
Amazing isn't it some still retain their broody instincts. Hope they will be safe till ya'll can move them into a safe place away from preds. Glad to hear they have began to eat.

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