Indian Runner still has not had full molt

Oh wow, that's so disappointing that she won't molt, after all that you tried!! Poor girl. Keep me updated if something changes....I'd love to find out how it all goes and if she ever molts.
Oh wow, that's so disappointing that she won't molt, after all that you tried!! Poor girl. Keep me updated if something changes....I'd love to find out how it all goes and if she ever molts.
I will. All 3 girls have had partial molts, they just never replaced the flight feathers.
So frustrating.
Were you able to get a vet to place the deslorelin implant? My vet won't do it because of the FDA, he said it wasn't legal and he doesn't want to lose his license. How can I get this for my chickens that would benefit from it?
I'm not sure - I called three vets and one was willing. I got cold feet at the last minute and decided if she's still having issues in the fall I will try it then. Good luck to you!
I decided I'm going to call the vet Monday and schedule the implant. My poor girl...almost every day there is a crushed egg in the nesting box, and every other night lately a soft-shelled egg in the run around dinner time. I was just out and she looked miserable, then laid the soft-shell and continued to look so out of it. I know it might not solve all the problems, but I've tried calcium and vitamin D both and I am now willing to take the risk to see if this will help her.
Just an update....after the implant my duck stopped laying right away. It's been about a month and she still hasn't laid. She started a hard molt a few weeks ago and her new feathers are growing in nicely. I'm really glad that we tried it.

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