Lock Down Questions

do you have a hydrometer to tell you what the humidity is outside your incubator?
Might be low outside humidity is sucking it out of your bator
Okay, I have an update. I am starting to question the hydrometer, it is a incubator warehouse Hydrometer, that comes with the Hova Bator. There is little water droplets condensing on the windows. The hydrometer has not changed, and it says 55%. I put the eggs into lockdown on day 16, because these are bantam eggs. what do you suggest I do? Should I think that the Hydrometer is off? or should I add more water?
I live in a very diverse climate, it rains a ton in early spring, then from about May - June it will sometimes rain. But then when summer hits, it hardly ever rains. Then fall hits, and it dose not rain until the end of October, then it does nothing but poor rain until the end of November, then we get 2 feet of snow in December through March, and repeat.
I wish I could send you my humidity! We have too much--avg 80. In fact I have dehumidifiers all over my house lol. I just turned one off because my chicks were guzzling their water.
Well, I went to the east coast once, and had trouble adjusting to the humidity, it felt stuffy, and crazy. I can only imagine what Louisiana fells like!! It never gets above 20% humidity here!

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