Umbilicus exposed after hatching ?


Feb 17, 2024
First time hatcher here. One of my Silkie eggs just hatched a day early. I am hatching vertically in egg cartons due to some questionable air sacs (they were shipped). The chick seemed to be stuck in the egg but eventually rolled out onto the incubator and remnants of the yolk still seemed to be attached. This quickly came off after the chick started ambulating (visible in picture). However, I noticed that there is a part of the navel/umbilicus exposed where the cord was attached. Chick seems otherwise healthy. No bleeding. At lock down, the humidity has been consistently 65-75% with the temperature at 100 F. Humidity prior to lockdown was around 50% . This was the first chick to hatch and 12 other remain. I’m not sure how to proceed next 😣. Appreciate any input from more experienced fowl-fanciers ! Thank you so much.


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Not all that experienced, but my last (chicken) hatch two had the same issue. Both were fine without interference from me. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

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