Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

How can you hatch solid black chicks when you have no black roosters and no black hens on the farm? Is that off the edge? I'm not ready to jump yet. I didn't get eggs from anyone else either. Only my girls. Only my roosters.
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How can you hatch solid black chicks when you have no black roosters and no black hens on the farm? Is that off the edge? I'm not ready to jump yet. I didn't get eggs from anyone else either. Only my girls. Only my roosters.
Any blue hens and roosters? Or a color that had a black base but then modifier genes changing the black to another color?
Any blue hens and roosters? Or a color that had a black base but then modifier genes changing the black to another color?
Possibly. You are on the right track. It took me a few minutes to figure out that Rhode Island Red Rooster x White Giant Hen could have black chicks. I thought maybe they would be sex links but I don't know yet. I'll look closely now that they are in the stage two brooder where I can handle them and look for spots or other differences.
Possibly. You are on the right track. It took me a few minutes to figure out that Rhode Island Red Rooster x White Giant Hen could have black chicks. I thought maybe they would be sex links but I don't know yet. I'll look closely now that they are in the stage two brooder where I can handle them and look for spots or other differences.
Oh wow, I would have thought of that cross to make black! Chicken color genetics are still taking me for a spin!
To many chicks to count them in the brooder. They move to fast. No more will hatch. I'll count tonight by putting them in a laundry basket. They move around like little road runners.
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