Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

I did! ❤️ Figured you missed it so came to give you grief 😆
I appreciate the grief 🤣 I'd think you didn't like me if you didn't :lau we had our power go out for almost 2 hours last week when the eggies were in lockdown, then the next day they started hatching, I'm hoping thr last one will be out shortly and we'll be vaccinating the last 20 chicks this evening. We did 39 chicks yesterday, there no way we could have gotten all 59 in one go and it allowed us to get the older ones out of the incubator last night. They appreciated that!
We have an no name yet chick from the last hatch that we are taking extreme care of. It has not learned to walk yet and has finally learned to drink egg yolk. We think it has a nerve problem. I'm trying to make a chair that it can use to get around in out of Bloodwood that I have on hand. I think it has imprinted on my wife. As soon as she picks it up it goes quiet. I picked it up it is not bad but shows that it wants my wife back. She has spoiled it.
We have an no name yet chick from the last hatch that we are taking extreme care of. It has not learned to walk yet and has finally learned to drink egg yolk. We think it has a nerve problem. I'm trying to make a chair that it can use to get around in out of Bloodwood that I have on hand. I think it has imprinted on my wife. As soon as she picks it up it goes quiet. I picked it up it is not bad but shows that it wants my wife back. She has spoiled it.
I hope you are able to nurse it through! You are sure giving it a really good chance. 🥰
I appreciate the grief 🤣 I'd think you didn't like me if you didn't :lau we had our power go out for almost 2 hours last week when the eggies were in lockdown, then the next day they started hatching, I'm hoping thr last one will be out shortly and we'll be vaccinating the last 20 chicks this evening. We did 39 chicks yesterday, there no way we could have gotten all 59 in one go and it allowed us to get the older ones out of the incubator last night. They appreciated that!
My goodness! So how many babies you have now?
Strong names for a little fighter!
Thought about Xena for a hen but really don't like that one for one of my girls. I was worried about getting it to eat but this morning it started guzzling egg yolk. In a couple of days I'll pick out some starter grower of the right size pieces and get that in it. Maybe a little nutri drench too. Wednesday I can start work on a carriage of some kind that it can run around the house in.

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