leg bands on babies


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 26, 2007
is it safe to put leg bands on baby chicks? i have a 2 black silkies who look identical and 4 grey silkies who also look alike and we want to name them and know who is who i saw plastic legg bands at the feed store and was wondering if it was safe to use i have also heard of people polishing a toe with nail polish is this safe?
You can get non toxic nail polish I understand.

I use plastic bird bandettes and just change them as the birds get bigger. Cheap and reusable.
We wanted to tag our chicks too but decided against it. We were afraid that they would peck each other. So we don't know which one the kids picked out as theirs so we jsut enjoy them now and when they get full grown and have their own distinct features we'll learn to tell them apart.

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