Is this shock?

Hi there
Wanted to give an update, sour crop is healed, he started to walk a lot now, but still can't properly eat food but can eat on his own with a little support.
I hope I can give news of complete recovery.
Thanks a lot for your advices !
Excellent report! If you can, find some probiotics to give him. Acidophilus is a good one. It will colonize his gut and restore the good microbes. Be sure he continues to get grit. Offer him an assortment of size and watch which size he prefers. Then see that he gets that size regularly.
Hi there
Wanted to give an update, sour crop is healed, he started to walk a lot now, but still can't properly eat food but can eat on his own with a little support.
I hope I can give news of complete recovery.
Thanks a lot for your advices !
Glad he's improving!
Glad he's improving!
He now eats well on his own , walks a lot too behaving more and more normal like when he was healthy before all of these problems started
but since sour corp happened he doesn't roost anymore
For last 4-5 days his comb is becoming pale
Is this a problem? What should I do about it?
but since sour corp happened he doesn't roost anymore
Hmm, he may still be too weak or something.
For last 4-5 days his comb is becoming pale
Is this a problem? What should I do about it?
You could say its a problem, it does mean he's not feeling well. Nothing you can do about it.
I completely agree with @Tookie. Your rooster is weak. While a more serious underlying health issue can't be ruled out, your rooster has been through a stressful period and he's likely lost weight and lacks energy.

In addition to his regular food, try giving some fresh fruit (for the glucose) and high grade animal protein (for calories and protein) such as fish or liver.

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