Is this shock?



Feb 5, 2022
Hi there
I have a little 🐓 rooster
It feel down from above since then it's behaving abnormally
It doesn't have any kind of visible injury
It doesn't want to stand up, drink or eat anything
It is only sleeping
Doesn't want to respond unless I hold it, although now it's opening its eyes more frequently but then again goes back to sleeping again
After I discovered it , it was breathing with it's mouth , now it has normal breathing

It has been 4hours now
I raise it in my room
I am posting this thread at 3.45 am of night

I am keeping it warm and in a dark room , isolated but close to me

Is this shock??
Can anyone please advice on what I should do??
How full is his crop?
Any sneezing? Any swelling in the face or bubbles in his eyes?
Check him over for mites or lice, they are mostly around the vent area.
Is he the only chicken you have? He lives in the house?
How old is the little rooster? It is a chick? There could be a head injury or internal injuries. It may be shock or injuries. Continue to keep it warm, and let it rest in dim light and quiet room. Only offer water when it is awake enough to swallow. Dipping it’s beak into water briefly, then letting it swallow is the safest way to get fluids into it. Let us know how he gets along.
How full is his crop?
Any sneezing? Any swelling in the face or bubbles in his eyes?
Check him over for mites or lice, they are mostly around the vent area.
Is he the only chicken you have? He lives in the house?
I checked its corp
It have a little amount of food and water.
No sneezing or swelling in face or bubble in eyes

No we have 2 chickens
And yes I have been raising it inside my house
How old is the little rooster? It is a chick? There could be a head injury or internal injuries. It may be shock or injuries. Continue to keep it warm, and let it rest in dim light and quiet room. Only offer water when it is awake enough to swallow. Dipping it’s beak into water briefly, then letting it swallow is the safest way to get fluids into it. Let us know how he gets along.
It's one year old now.
Thanks a lot
Can anyone tell me how long should I wait before I have to force feed or drink it?? And the method too please
I tried dipping its beak in water it didn't drink

Yesterday evening It drank a lot of water so there are still some left in crop but it's almost over
It has been 10hours now

It can now barely stand although still prefers sleeping
Can anyone tell me how long should I wait before I have to force feed or drink it?? And the method too please
I tried dipping its beak in water it didn't drink

Yesterday evening It drank a lot of water so there are still some left in crop but it's almost over
It has been 10hours now

It can now barely stand although still prefers sleeping
Since he's acting like this he does need to eat and drink.
Do you have anything to tube feed? Do you have any syringes?
this is what I have
No syringes at the moment
It's 2.5 ml
No syringes at the moment
It's 2.5 ml
That should work.
What you want to do when syringe feeding is put the syringe in on the right side of his mouth and put it down some, then feed him the food inside it. Same goes for the water. Be careful to not make him aspirate.
Do you have any Nutri-Drench or electrolytes? Any sort of energy drink? If you have any of those syringe it into him.
If you have any eggs syringe some raw egg into him.
What does he usually eat?
That should work.
What you want to do when syringe feeding is put the syringe in on the right side of his mouth and put it down some, then feed him the food inside it. Same goes for the water. Be careful to not make him aspirate.
Do you have any Nutri-Drench or electrolytes? Any sort of energy drink? If you have any of those syringe it into him.
If you have any eggs syringe some raw egg into him.
What does he usually eat?
Usally eat boiled rice wheat as main with other types mixed in
Sometimes as a treat hard boiled egg

Yes we can manage electrolyte

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