Is bamboo harmful to chickens?

It is not harmful to chickens. (Notice that many chinese-restaurant dishes have bamboo shoot in them...

However most bamboos are TERRIBLY invasive and cannot be kept under control by normal measures (i.e. anything short of dynamite and/or an eight-foot thick solid steel wall going down about twenty feet into the ground

So if you are going to plant bamboo you'd better make REAL sure it is one of the non-suckering non-invasive kinds. Or you'll be soorrrrrr-yyyy....

Good luck, have fun,

most bamboos are TERRIBLY invasive and cannot be kept under control by normal measures (i.e. anything short of dynamite and/or an eight-foot thick solid steel wall going down about twenty feet into the ground

Kind of like Mint?
Have you seen the bamboo that gets up to 80 feet tall? It was in one of my seed catalogs that I just recieved. It won't grow here. We have our invasives. Sage brush, tumble weeds and crab grass. At least these are my problems. Even kudzu wouldn't stand a chance!
tumbleweeds...the migrating plant

Comes South with the cold front and back north with the warm front!! Maybe we could communicate with them! Stupid things don't watch both ways before crossing the street though...high mortality rate on the highways...very sad to see all the flattend things
i have a small patch of bamboo in my yard ,,, chickens love it,, horses love it,, goats love it...

i live in the desert.. the bamboo will only grow as far as it has water.. so mine stays in a patch (around my laundry greywater) but if you live in a place with a high water table.. i could see it taking over your whole yard,, and it is a SOB to kill (kinda like mint)
there are also SEVERAL TYPES of "bamboo" the kind i have only grows maybe 25 feet tall,,, not 80!!!!

those bigbad tumble weeds also BURN quickly... migrating fire balls!!!

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