
6 Years
Jan 4, 2015
This year has not been a good one for avoiding animal issues for us! I'm back again with another problem- this time, a hen with a crop issue.

On Friday evening (July 23) we noticed a hen with a large crop. I picked her up and felt her and could tell there were pieces of corn in her, so I was hopeful that she had just ate a lot that day. The next morning, Saturday (July 24), I checked her and was disappointed to find out that it was just as full as before. She was immediately isolated as our chickens are free range and given only water. Starting midday, we began giving her crop massages to hopefully get the blockage to move. This was continued for the rest of the day into Sunday. Between Saturday and Sunday, we were able to get the blockage reduced and decided to pick up some stool softener (Docusate Sodium, 100 mg) to begin her on to hopefully clear it all up. We also began syringe feeding her water.

Sunday at noon she had her first dose, followed by another at 8 in the evening with water each time. Monday morning she had about 12 mL of water, at lunch she had 30 mL, midafternoon she had about 24 mL and in the evening she had about 12 mL. All of the water was in hopes of breaking up the blockage. By the end of the day Monday, her blockage was reduced by at least half and pieces of corn could no longer be felt. However, we realized that her crop was malleable. You can squish it into whatever shape you'd like and it stays there, and nothing can really be broken off. After some research, I came across doughy crop as an option. We began treating her with Two Crows' concoction of ginger, lemon juice, cayenne, and cinnamon. She had a dose Monday evening and one this morning (Tuesday, July 27).

When I got up this morning, I also realized she may have another symptom that could be connected somehow. On the corner of her beak, partially on the skin and partially inside her mouth, she has a white spot. I know this can be a symptom of canker and other yeasty/fungal infections. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or had seen something similar to this before. She has a golf ball or so sized ball in her crop which is moldable along with the white spot on the corner of her beak/into her beak. She still wants to eat (I've let her have a couple bites of egg yesterday and today to help her keep her strength up because she seems to be past the actual compaction? Maybe.

Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated. I'm at a loss as to what step to take next. Treat with Acidified Copper Sulfate (which seems to be hard to find) or some other antifungal or something else entirely for cankers? Has anyone seen something like this before?
@azygous @Wyorp Rock @TwoCrows @Eggcessive

Please forgive me if this is frowned upon, I'm just desperate and I've had no luck getting replies from anywhere. I know your names are respected names for dealing with chicken issues and I was hoping one of you may have some advice.
Will she not drink water on her own?

She needs to have a little something to eat if she's not had anything since Saturday.
Does this hen lay eggs or has she had problems with production?

A photo of the inside of her beak, her and her droppings may help too.

IF it's doughy and the crop has not turned sour yet, I would give coconut oil and massage the crop. Let her have water free choice along with a little wet feed.
Will she not drink water on her own?

She needs to have a little something to eat if she's not had anything since Saturday.
Does this hen lay eggs or has she had problems with production?

A photo of the inside of her beak, her and her droppings may help too.

IF it's doughy and the crop has not turned sour yet, I would give coconut oil and massage the crop. Let her have water free choice along with a little wet feed.
I'm unsure as to if she's drinking on her own. From what I had found, more fluids were better to try to break up the impaction. I'm not sure if she's laying eggs. If I had to guess, I would say no as she's an older hen.

I'll have to send pictures when I get home, as I'm at work now. I don't believe it's turned sour, as it's not squishy like that (we've had hens with sour crop before and this is not like it). I can tell her breath smells, but I wouldn't necessarily say it smells bad-more just like it would be slightly fermented.

I'll give her some more food this evening. She has gotten some egg yesterday and this morning.
More fluids is good. I would encourage her to drink on her own.
If the breath is smelling fermented, then the crop is turning sour. I would start treating for Sour Crop.

Do let her have a little bit of wet feed to eat, egg makes a fine tasty treat as well.

Hopefully this will resolve pretty quickly.
More fluids is good. I would encourage her to drink on her own.
If the breath is smelling fermented, then the crop is turning sour. I would start treating for Sour Crop.

Do let her have a little bit of wet feed to eat, egg makes a fine tasty treat as well.

Hopefully this will resolve pretty quickly.

I've attached an image of her poo from first thing this morning. Last night, she got a scrambled egg along with another dosing of the cayenne/lemon/ginger/cinnamon mixture and some water with probiotics and electrolytes. This morning, she got another dose of the mixture.

If you think it's turning sour, what course of treatment would you recommend? I've seen anything from vaginal cream to probiotics to vomiting (which won't work currently since we still have a lump in there). Would you recommend beginning with the cream? Additionally, I have put in an order for some acidified copper sulfate for the other chickens as a maintenance. I also believe I read it can help with doughy crop.

Any advice?
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I've attached an image of her poo from first thing this morning. Last night, she got a scrambled egg along with another dosing of the cayenne/lemon/ginger/cinnamon mixture and some water with probiotics and electrolytes. This morning, she got another dose of the mixture.

If you think it's turning sour, what course of treatment would you recommend? I've seen anything from vaginal cream to probiotics to vomiting (which won't work currently since we still have a lump in there). Would you recommend beginning with the cream? Additionally, I have put in an order for some acidified copper sulfate for the other chickens as a maintenance. I also believe I read it can help with doughy crop.

Any advice?
Yes, for sour crop I would use Miconazole (Monistat) or Clotrimazole (athlete's foot cream). I believe both are mentioned in the article by twocrows.

Personally, I use Clotrimazole because I'm cheap and I've been able to find it at the Dollar Tree for $1 a tube!:D I have had good results with it.
Generic or store brand Miconazole will work too.

Carol (Azygous) article is here
Yes, for sour crop I would use Miconazole (Monistat) or Clotrimazole (athlete's foot cream). I believe both are mentioned in the article by twocrows.

Personally, I use Clotrimazole because I'm cheap and I've been able to find it at the Dollar Tree for $1 a tube!:D I have had good results with it.
Generic or store brand Miconazole will work too.

Carol (Azygous) article is here
Gotta love Dollar Tree! So many good things from there.

I'll pick up some cream today and get her started either this evening or tomorrow morning. Do you recommend trying to vomit her? I'm too frightened that I may accidentally kill her, so I would love to just medicate her; however, will the medication still be effective without vomiting her?
I would not vomit her, there is a great risk of aspiration.

Give the yeast/anti-fungal cream twice a day for 7 days. Even if the crop empties and she improves before then, give the full 7 days of treatment (it's important).

Do let her have a little wet feed to eat, you can give bits of scrambled egg too.

I normally leave my birds with the flock since separation is stressful and it's harder to re-integrate (they don't lose their place in the flock). I just make enough wet mash for everyone to consume. I notice the ones I've treated for crop issues seem to gravitate toward the wet feed - could be mine just like it (?) I do make them wet feed most days anyway and that's what everyone eats first LOL

Of course, it's all just a suggestion. If she's being picked on, then keeping her separate makes sense, but she may enjoy some sunshine and fresh air regardless, if possible.
I would not vomit her, there is a great risk of aspiration.

Give the yeast/anti-fungal cream twice a day for 7 days. Even if the crop empties and she improves before then, give the full 7 days of treatment (it's important).

Do let her have a little wet feed to eat, you can give bits of scrambled egg too.

I normally leave my birds with the flock since separation is stressful and it's harder to re-integrate (they don't lose their place in the flock). I just make enough wet mash for everyone to consume. I notice the ones I've treated for crop issues seem to gravitate toward the wet feed - could be mine just like it (?) I do make them wet feed most days anyway and that's what everyone eats first LOL

Of course, it's all just a suggestion. If she's being picked on, then keeping her separate makes sense, but she may enjoy some sunshine and fresh air regardless, if possible.
Okay, that's exactly why I didn't want to vomit her and I'm glad you think it may work despite it. I did notice it slightly squishier this morning and the large mass that was there seems to have broken up (so possibly a good sign!). I will be sure to give her the full days of treatment. She's been getting scrambled egg each day (she doesn't seem to like the wet feed!) and she stays in a cage during the day under the barn where the other hens hang out since it's so hot. At night I let her out to go roost with everyone which she loves. Thank you so much for your help and I'll be sure to keep you updated and if I have any more questions.

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