crop impaction

  1. Emrosenagel

    Does this X-ray look normal?

    hello! My 9 month old bantam has been having problems with her crop and possibly other things. We got an xray yesterday and they saw nothing strange. Today, I went to another vet who actually showed us the xray. She said my hen has a mass in her reproductive organs, possibly a tumor or...
  2. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    Here is my previous post about Val’s dog attack. The saga continues! She’s been doing well after having her egg removed. Some feathers are growing back but the worst wounds are still healing and scabbed up. I’ve let her outside a few times in short visits to be a chicken, she seems good. BUT...
  3. S

    Please help! Crop issues/sour crop/pendulous crop/underlying issue?

    Hi I'm concerned about my chicken Blackberry she's an Australorp and she's been having some crop issues. This started March 22, 2022 and my friend Southstar had originally posted about her because her x-rays showed she had managed to eat rocks, most have been removed except for a few that were...
  4. K

    Possible Crop Impaction - Our Chicks Passed Away Suddenly :(

    My wife and I are new to raising chicks and just dealt with an emergency where we lost most of our flock. We originally purchased 14 chicks and kept them inside until they had most of their feathers. We moved them out to the coop this past weekend, where they were more fascinated with the pine...
  5. J

    Mystery Illness, Potentially Crop Related?

    Hello fellow chicken keepers! Looking for insight regarding health concerns in our flock. Here's the scoop (I'll try to be brief): I noticed one of our hens had been having diarrhea and was losing weight. In addition, her crop was distended. I took her to the vet and he treated her for an...
  6. Flowerfairy

    Impacted crop?

    A few days ago I noticed a protrusion in my chicken, Carmens chest. It looked like she had a large lump in her chest-almost like hanging breasts. I have always been concerned about her flopped over comb and wasn’t sure if that was a indication of something wrong. I looked up symptoms and came...
  7. marissa98

    Impacted/Doughy Crop and White Spots on Mouth-Advice Please!

    This year has not been a good one for avoiding animal issues for us! I'm back again with another problem- this time, a hen with a crop issue. On Friday evening (July 23) we noticed a hen with a large crop. I picked her up and felt her and could tell there were pieces of corn in her, so I was...
  8. K

    Help! My chick with wry neck might have an impacted crop!

    Three weeks ago we received a chick with wry neck, we got her home and set up the brooder. Since she had a hard time eating we gave her ground up chick starter mixed with electro lights and probiotic water. After 48 hours she was able to hold her head up nice and straight, run around, eat...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Gravel Not Emptying From Crop - Normal?

    This morning when doing random crop checks, I noticed my Barred Rock's crop seemed quite full for first thing in the a.m. Upon massaging it to get a better feel, it broke apart into a bunch of pebbly or gravelly feeling bits. I wouldn't say it's full--at least not in the classic impaction...
  10. E

    Recurring crop impaction, pooing mostly watery urates- is this internal laying?? **poo pics inside**

    First off, thank you to everyone who read my posts about my previous health scares. Alfredo is now up and at ‘em again and even back to laying! This is Curry. Last dewormed with SafeGuard in the beginning of September. On October 20th I found her laying down out in the yard (not in a horrible...
  11. 5

    Small Impacted Crop: To Perform Surgery or Not?

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! I hope you guys can give me your opinions on my poor little chook, and her small impacted crop. So....Let me start to explain.... 2 weeks ago, my Rosie was acting constipated but had a large squishy crop. So, my first thought was sour crop. I gave her some yogurt...
  12. Alexandria_t

    Help! Sour Crop/ Impacted Crop 8 week old pullet

    8 week old pullet with sour crop/ impacted crop. I just separated her, I brought her inside. I’m planning on doing 12 hours no water and 24 hours no food. Is there anything else I should do? This is my first time dealing with this. Thank you! Update : I just gave her water with Sav-a-chick...
  13. Blazel

    New Chicken enlarged chest mass, skin growth, deep puncture wound, twisted toes

    Hello, We just picked up a new chicken tonight, we got her as she was being bullied by her flock, the other chickens wouldn't let her roost or eat and were pinning her down to pull her feathers out. She's just over a year old, hy-line chicken. When we saw her we immediately agreed to take her...
  14. majasdee

    *Help!* Chicken with crop/constipation issues

    So we have a 1 year old Chinese silkie hen that has been nesting recently and a few weeks ago i had noticed she had lost a lot of weight so i separated her from the rest and have tried to put weight back on her. Long story short i had issues with putting weight on her so i took her to a bird...
  15. TylerEngland

    safest way to clear impacted crop?

    Hi there! And thanks in advance! I feel like I'm having every new chicken mama problem and I'm so thankful for this community. My 8mo EE, Blanche, appears to have an impacted crop. I first noticed that her crop seemed rather full+firm yesterday morning, but I figured that maybe she had gorged...
  16. ChickenMama308

    Impacted crop on a severely underweight hen - how to treat?

    Hi everyone! My sweet hen Nani (2 years old rhode island red hen) has been through a lot these past few weeks, and where we're at now, is an impacted crop. She's eating very little, but still managing to eat a bit of spinach. Overall low / sleepy energy and staying in one place mostly...
  17. thefluffbutts

    crop issues

    Hello, chicken world! Its been so long since I've had a sick chook, I was hoping to keep my streak up! I have an approximately 1.5-year-old Belgian D'uccle weighing around300-400g. She has been having some crop issues for a while now and I have run out of ideas to fix them. First, I thought...
  18. Heidi Plume

    Impacted Crop, help!

    My favorite girl has an impacted crop (not certain). I'm not sure what is going on. She has a big, hard bump on her neck where the skin is a crusty black. I also just noticed that she has a messy bottom. I've separated her, given her water, ACV and have massaged the bump. There is a lot of...
  19. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    FOOD FOR THOUGHT -NOT THE GUT... I’ve no science to go on here -just some thoughts and deducing. Just something to consider maybe... My wife is in the habit of throwing handfuls of unshelled sunflower seeds to the chickens in their coops when she is reloading the wildbird feeders. As I thought...
  20. Thepriceofbeauty

    Swollen crop from overeating? Or something else?

    Hey guys, our little 6 day old Australorp seems to have developed a large growth on the right side of her chest. It has been noticable for about 12 hours. After researching on here seems it could just be a swollen crop from eating too much, however after looking at diagrams it seems like it's a...
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