doughy crop

  1. The Welch Chickens

    Hen shaking her crop and acting weird. (Updated with recovery!)

    My hen has been acting weird for about two weeks. It seems she had had crop problems on and off. I have been feeling her coconut oil every time, but today I’m worried something is seriously wrong. She is sluggish and shakes her crop strangely. I have been trying to feel her crop, but she is...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Early Doughy Crop?

    My 4.5 y/o BO, Glory, has been molting, but otherwise appears in good health. She was eating/drinking and pooping normally yesterday evening. Today, mid-morning, she took one of those poops that indicate her stomach is empty which concerned me and I felt her crop. It wasn't big by any means, but...
  3. slukeplass22

    Crop Issues for Weeks on End Despite Treatment

    Hi, I have two hens who have been having crop issues on and off for the past two weeks. Their crops have gone from impacted, to doughy, to sour, then better, to then having issues again. I’m at my wits end with this and I don’t understand what’s going on. Hen 1: Impacted -> Sour -> Better ->...
  4. AggieKat

    Doughy stubborn slow crop

    😢Hi all! Worried about my Australorp hen, Henrietta. She has always had a more difficult time when eating things than the other two girls, but it has recently gotten much worse. Her crop was very saggy and full looking and then about 2 weeks ago, I noticed liquid coming out of her mouth when she...
  5. Duckduckgoosie

    Doughy crop

    First time dealing with a crop issue. I don’t think this 7 week old was accessing the grit. Restricted feed, did a day of yogurt, and started the lemon juice concoction recommended here...
  6. Y

    Help! Chicken Emergency

    Hi everyone, I’m having a real emergency with one of my chickens. Does anyone know if there are any skilled board-certified vets in New York State with enough surgical experience/good success rate dealing with reproductive issues in chickens? She also seems to have a doughy/impacted crop and is...
  7. B

    Dougie crop treatment help please

    Hello My ex battery hen has had some ongoing crop issues which we have previously touch wood managed to fix. However the last two days her crop has filled up again this time however it feels like dough rather than a hard mass or liquid and sour. I’ve read doughy crop is a separate issue but...
  8. MiaS

    Doughy Crop Question

    Hi all. I have read many articles and forums to help me deal with what I think is doughy crop in one of my ladies. I have tried what feels like everything to clear it. I've tried the yeast buster recipe, monistat and also flucanozole. The crop remains fuller than it should be and still doughy...
  9. marissa98

    Impacted/Doughy Crop and White Spots on Mouth-Advice Please!

    This year has not been a good one for avoiding animal issues for us! I'm back again with another problem- this time, a hen with a crop issue. On Friday evening (July 23) we noticed a hen with a large crop. I picked her up and felt her and could tell there were pieces of corn in her, so I was...
  10. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Crop Not Emptying Fully (but not impacted nor sour, yet?)

    Bear with me, because this is a complex issue that might have multiple factors at play. I appreciate anyone willing to take the time to read and respond to this. My 27 month old EE has recently started having issues with her crop not fully emptying at night. She is overall healthy, but does have...
  11. CheepPeepers

    Can chickens have soft squishy crop, that isnt a medical issue?

    Ive never had chickens with doughy crop before, but my silky rooster's crop felt awfully squishy tonight. I plan to check him over first thing in the morning, but I was wondering if it was possible his crop just happens to be a bit squishy, or if I should just start looking into doughy crop...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Reproductive Issues and Doughy Crop - Link?

    I've posted before about my poor, beloved EE, who after a few months of laying beautiful large blue eggs daily suddenly had issues with thin shelled and rubber eggs. Intermittent thin shelled eggs led to almost daily thin shelled eggs, with only a normal one every couple weeks (normal but still...
  13. ChickenMama308

    Egg Yolk Peritonitis Diagnosis - does she have a chance?

    Hi everyone, so 10/27 I took Nani to the vet and sadly received an EYP diagnosis, exactly 3 weeks after I discovered something was off with her and along the way I've treated her for many different things trying to rule it all out. (She is a 2.5 y/o RIR who free ranges 24/7 and I don't even see...
  14. P

    Cha Cha UPDATE: Calling All Crop Experts!

    Hi Everyone, I’m in need of some crop advice. Any help is much appreciated! I have another recent thread with more detail/history. Responses dwindled & this is a different focus, hence the new thread. If you are curious and have time...
  15. Sour Crop, Impacted Crop, Doughy Crop - Prevention and Treatments of Crop disorders

    Sour Crop, Impacted Crop, Doughy Crop - Prevention and Treatments of Crop disorders

    Crops And Their Story Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treating Crop Issues The Crop. Just what IS a Crop, what do they do and why do birds have them? Anatomy of a Crop: The Crop is a muscular pouch located on the right side of a birds lower neck or upper breast area. All birds have them. Chickens...
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