Impacted crop, need help!

How is he behaving? Has he declined from last night? Or about the same?

Yes, let's empty his crop. I don't usually recommend it, but he needs some relief and it's crucial to get some carbs into him so he won't slip further.

Pick him up and tilt his head and body down and roll him slightly to his right. That will allow gravity to drain the crop and tilting him to the right will hopefully avoid any of the crop fluids from getting into his airway.
He’s lethargic. Here is what came out more grass and grain. I massaged and shook up what I could before expressing his crop.

Here’s his face. Now the million dollar question do I tube a treatment or sugars? I’m leaving in 30 mins for the day.🙁

Yes. Get the carbs/sugar into him before you leave. He needs the shot of glucose in the worst way. At a pinch of table salt or electrolytes to it to give his electrolytes a boost.

Has he had any grit lately? Offer some.
Yes. Get the carbs/sugar into him before you leave. He needs the shot of glucose in the worst way. At a pinch of table salt or electrolytes to it to give his electrolytes a boost.

Has he had any grit lately? Offer some.
He had grit available in his small coop and constantly before that but none since he’s been inside. I tubbed him a concoction of nutri drench, straight sugar, and some chick electrolytes. I also tossed in the enzyme supplement because can’t hurt. That seemed to give him a little boost by the time I left. I can’t believe I got more grass out. I really massaged him good and deep in his crop where it goes into his body. What was he thinking when he ate that stick looking thing?!? 🤦🏼‍♀️
Well, he’s no better, actually worse. Poop smells so strong of ammonia. I did a full treatment of Epsom salt last night. He was very weak this morning. He just sits mostly now. I didn’t do a treatment yet. I tubed him more vitamins and electrolytes. I’ll do a treatment in a bit. He seemed to move some fluids lastnight but I swear I feel more grain than I did yesterday in his crop. Picture of poop from last night
and him standing on the laundry room after I cleaned his kennel.
He's slowly dying of starvation. He's at a crisis point. He needs food but it's not getting into his intestines to be absorbed. The Epsom flush is not doing anything to open up his digestive tract. I'm afraid the only thing left to try is crop surgery to clean out his crop. I did have a video, but YouTube removed it because it was "violent content". Squeamish meddlers.

Before doing the surgery, I would spend some time trying to get nutrients, fluids, and glucose/electrolytes into him. I'd empty his crop, syringe or tube fluids every hour. The goal is to see him perk up a little, to show signs of energy. Then when you see that, do the surgery.
He's slowly dying of starvation. He's at a crisis point. He needs food but it's not getting into his intestines to be absorbed. The Epsom flush is not doing anything to open up his digestive tract. I'm afraid the only thing left to try is crop surgery to clean out his crop. I did have a video, but YouTube removed it because it was "violent content". Squeamish meddlers.

Before doing the surgery, I would spend some time trying to get nutrients, fluids, and glucose/electrolytes into him. I'd empty his crop, syringe or tube fluids every hour. The goal is to see him perk up a little, to show signs of energy. Then when you see that, do the surgery.
Do you still have the video? Can you send it privately?
You sure do have the age spread there. Why not have both help?

You will wrap the wings and feet to confine them. An old Ace bandage can work or use Vetrap. Once the chicken is on their back, they usually relax and are calm. This involves very little pain, so you won't see much reaction during the procedure. Just assemble everything beforehand, prep your helpers to understand this isn't hurting the chicken much at all, so they won't be an issue you need to deal with. They will merely be there to hold the chicken steady and to hand you stuff.

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