I'm so old I Remember when:

You can borrow my goat....course she'll eat everything wood before she eats your weeds. For that matter, she'll eat the shirt off your back and the hair off your head before she eats the weeds! But give her enough time and she'll get around to weed eating šŸ˜‚
I'm trying to get over a headcold here with a stuffy nose. You just put me into a coughing fit. Thanks a lot. šŸ˜œ
You can borrow my goat....course she'll eat everything wood before she eats your weeds. For that matter, she'll eat the shirt off your back and the hair off your head before she eats the weeds! But give her enough time and she'll get around to weed eating šŸ˜‚
When we first got chickens I thought "This is great. They will eat the bugs in the garden." And they did.
Then they ate the vegetables.
Then they ate the leaves.
Then they ate the stems.
Then they dug up the roots and ate them. :barnie
When we first got chickens I thought "This is great. They will eat the bugs in the garden." And they did.
Then they ate the vegetables.
Then they ate the leaves.
Then they ate the stems.
Then they dug up the roots and ate them. :barnie
They do be thorough! Mine do not actually eat the roots. They just scratch, waller, and dustbathe in and around them until the poor plants surrender and give up the ghost.
Goats also miltiply like ... rabbits. We have a neighbor down the road who got about 20 goats about 6 years back for vegetation control. They get out on the road sometimes. After a bit there were about 40 goats. Then there were 80. Now I'd guess there are probably well over 120 ...

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