if an egg gets wet...


Deluxe Dozens
11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Riverside/Norco, CA
can it still be hatched? I found a damp egg in the run yesterday, not exactly sitting in water, but in the splash pattern because a tarp was displaced a few inches and a single drip was landing just close enough to spritz the egg... I put it in the bator anyhow. Should I just take it out because it is a lost cause and will explode, or should I just chance it?
I'd try to hatch it just to see if it would

I just finished hatching 6 that had been washed and then refrigerated so I would definitely say try it.

I just hatched an egg I found in the bottom of the run, after it had been raining, BURIED in..."mud" and I thought I'd try it and... it hatched
I named it pigpen
I'd give it a try !! Cant be any worse than eggs that get shipped 10000 miles get droped, kicked.
I see conflicting information about getting eggs wet. Some say to mist your eggs to get the humidity to stay high. Others say to be extremely careful when filling the wells in the incubator not to get water on the eggs. There's a huge game bird breeder that instructs people to mist their duck eggs on day ten of incubation. Is this species- dependent (i.e., chickens - no, ducks-yes)? I have quail eggs that are damp from the condensation in my incubator, will they hatch? I did mist my pheasant eggs because the humidity kept dropping and it was hot-I found this in an article about temperature spikes, they said you can even submerge the eggs in water if the temp spikes in your incubator. None of the pheasant eggs hatched. I suspect they weren't fertile, but that was bad.
I mist the incubator during lockdown (and occasionally during incubation) because I need very high humidity for my guineas eggs. The eggs do get water droplets on them. I also hatch guinea eggs after they've been out in the rain (so do guineas, turkeys, and wild birds and I'm sure some chickens). The duck thing is a species specific requirement. I think it is also done for goose eggs, which makes sense since they are waterfowl.

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