I cant figure out what is happening to my chickens

I got my wormer just a day too late for my little one unfortunately:hit
The day I was going to give her the wormer is the day her body started shutting down. I went ahead and administered it, but she went to sleep and never woke back up...
But at least i know it's a problem in my flock and I can worm the rest of them.
Mareks is still not off the table for me however. I still have one who's legs are not 100% functional yet. It could be a vitamin deficiency though due to the worm infestation.

HOWEVER if it is indeed Mareks, I'm going to try my best to eradicate it as best as I can within the coop and try and maintain it here. I have read some promising research (which is still experimental) to breed from survivors of mareks to have their offspring with a stronger resistance to the virus. I wouldn't sell these chicks though, so that wont ever be an option for me, but I will keep them here instead and try and maybe help future generations of chickens.

I've learned it's incredibly common for chickens to get mareks. Even though it may never happen to a lot of back yard chicken keepers, it CAN happen at any time and reek havoc on your flock. (With no fault to the chicken keeper)

I plan to still keep every one updated! I hope mareks isnt the case for you either. It's a chicken keepers worst nightmare! But if it is, dont loose hope. Sometimes the universe just takes us on a path we least expect. I plan to just roll with the punches and keep looking forward.
did you send her in to make sure as to the cause of death?
did you send her in to make sure as to the cause of death?


Be sure to do that It’s may give your answer. And so sorry to hear about your loss:(:hugs

Hi! Sorry took so long to reply! I've been busy with my girls and cleaning the coop and all that. No I didnt send her in. Eventually I plan to if more deaths happen, but I plan to treat for worms first and see if I have improvement. If more sickness and death occur we will send it in then. Just trying to save $100 if I can.
I am away from population and my nearest neighbors don't own chickens, so I feel confident in this decision for now. I also wont breed and sell any chicks until I have confirmation either way.
**Update on these chicken's illness*
It ended up being coccidiosis! I treated them with Corrid when they first started getting sick but I did not treat them long enough or with the right dosage! I attempted again and treated them for a total of 2 weeks and halved the dosages another week or so after that. They are now 100% better! No more deaths!

(How I figured it was coccidiosis is I took a hen inside one day and she sprayed blood everywhere when she pooped on my floor. It looked like a murder scene. That's how I knew it was coccidiosis. She made a full recovery!)

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