I cant figure out what is happening to my chickens

Post some photos of them along with their poop.
Was the Medicated feed Chick Starter?
Do you know how long they were fed the medicated feed? Generally medicated feed in the US contains a very small amount of Amprolium/Amprol which is a Coccidiostat. That should not really have any negative effects. What were the problems that you saw that needed to be corrected?

If you can tell us exactly what horse wormer you have we can help with dosing - a photo of the the product you have is best.
While it is ideal to have a fecal float to see if there is a worm load, a lot of people don't do this. Keep in mind that knowing which/what type of worms your chickens have is always best this way you can give the correct medication. Ivermectin with???Praziquantel will treat tapes and maybe roundworms.
It may be better to get something like Valbazen or Fenbendazole (Safeguard) and give the correct dose to treat a broader range of worms.

Rapid weight loss/wasting if not worms, coccidiosis or similar - then Marek's disease would need to be looked at. Birds with Marek's can eat very well but still just waste away due to tumors and I suspect an inability to absorb/process nutrients like they should.
Crap. I wonder if it is mareks...
I had a bird, the orphingtons with problems, have a "broken leg". I thought it was broken at least, but now wondering if it was a symptom of mareks. One foot became lame and wasnt walking at all. Just flapping around. I separated it, and then within 2 weeks it started to show movement in the toes. And constantly moved the foot up and down as if to say "I'm fine, dont kill me". Then its legs became sprawled but still had movement, just was hard to stand. It started to stand and walk slowly again but would stumble and fall. It's pretty much back to normal now. Still is separated though for its safety until she regains her full strength back.
I had one chick die right off the bat. Within 24 hrs. I chalked it up to stress from transportation. And I had another develop sour crop, which is back to normal again.
The rest of my flock (all 24) seem fine. I know they were given the vaccine as chicks but unsure about these orphingtons. I'm so upset if it is mareks. Will my other flock succumb to it, if it is? I know it spreads by dander, and even though they are quarantined I can still spread that dander to them.

To answer the question about the type of wormer it is Equimax brand. With ivermectin and praziquantel as the ingredients. I was told to give a pea size amount to each chicken with worming them.
Sadly, the symptoms you describe do sound like Marek's.
Here's some reading for you.

You still want to treat symptoms as they arise. While Marek's can cause problems, other everyday "normal" conditions will still exist such as worms, coccidiosis, crop problems, laying disorders, etc. It would be easy to chalk everything up to Marek's. You can choose to try to treat or do as some and cull birds that are showing symptoms. That would be your own personal choice - there is no absolutes.

Yes, if you have other chickens, then it can be spread through dust/dander. That article explains a lot. Having Marek's is not a complete death sentence - a lot depends on your goals. Most learn to manage and recognize symptoms and it seems that over time, birds can become less symptomatic and you have less outbreaks.

For Equimax the dosage is ~0.033 ml per pound, or 0.16 ml per five pounds. That is a fairly small amount so your pea may have been adequate, but if possible measure your dosage. Repeat in 10-14days. (Equimax will treat tapeworms)

Sadly, the symptoms you describe do sound like Marek's.
Here's some reading for you.

You still want to treat symptoms as they arise. While Marek's can cause problems, other everyday "normal" conditions will still exist such as worms, coccidiosis, crop problems, laying disorders, etc. It would be easy to chalk everything up to Marek's. You can choose to try to treat or do as some and cull birds that are showing symptoms. That would be your own personal choice - there is no absolutes.

Yes, if you have other chickens, then it can be spread through dust/dander. That article explains a lot. Having Marek's is not a complete death sentence - a lot depends on your goals. Most learn to manage and recognize symptoms and it seems that over time, birds can become less symptomatic and you have less outbreaks.

For Equimax the dosage is ~0.033 ml per pound, or 0.16 ml per five pounds. That is a fairly small amount so your pea may have been adequate, but if possible measure your dosage. Repeat in 10-14days. (Equimax will treat tapeworms)

I just can't believe this happened, and it totally slipped my radar that it could be this. I have no idea what to do about it. I have a hard time culling any bird that has a will to fight or live. Just..:hit:hit

This sucks.
Has anyone personally dealt with this? What was your course of action, and the result?
Can you have a surviving flock with Marek's?
I was wanting to breed next year, (to sell) should I not now, seeing as this could be the cause?
Im at a loss now. I was hoping I would never run into this, and looks like I might have due to these new birds I bought.
I just can't believe this happened, and it totally slipped my radar that it could be this. I have no idea what to do about it. I have a hard time culling any bird that has a will to fight or live. Just..:hit:hit

This sucks.
Has anyone personally dealt with this? What was your course of action, and the result?
Can you have a surviving flock with Marek's?
I was wanting to breed next year, (to sell) should I not now, seeing as this could be the cause?
Im at a loss now. I was hoping I would never run into this, and looks like I might have due to these new birds I bought.
I agree with @DobieLover if you were planning on breeding for selling, then getting some testing is the best way to know for sure what you are dealing with. All of us can speculate and say "oh yes, this is what it is" but with your goals you need a definitive answer.
You don't mention where you are located but we can help you look up your state lab if need be.

There are several people here that have Marek's in their flocks. I do not believe any sell their birds. Doing so, imho, would be unethical.
@microchick and @rebrascora both may be able to give you some tips.
I agree with @DobieLover if you were planning on breeding for selling, then getting some testing is the best way to know for sure what you are dealing with. All of us can speculate and say "oh yes, this is what it is" but with your goals you need a definitive answer.
You don't mention where you are located but we can help you look up your state lab if need be.

There are several people here that have Marek's in their flocks. I do not believe any sell their birds. Doing so, imho, would be unethical.
@microchick and @rebrascora both may be able to give you some tips.

Oh yeah, I wouldnt want to sell anything to effect anyone else. I live in Scottsville KY. How do you go about getting a necrosy report done. How much is it? How do you transport a potentially ill chicken there? I have never looked into this and never thought I would have to...
Oh yeah, I wouldnt want to sell anything to effect anyone else. I live in Scottsville KY. How do you go about getting a necrosy report done. How much is it? How do you transport a potentially ill chicken there? I have never looked into this and never thought I would have to...

From the link @Wyorp Rock provided:

MSU Breathitt Veterinary Center
101 MSU Drive, PO Box 2000
Hopkinsville, KY 42241-2000

Yaaayy theres chickens in this.
nooo they have a disease.
I feel bad for you, if any of them get anything other diseases, you got a problem on your hands. Let’s hope that you can get a Necropsy done for your chickens to see what it truly is.
Ask the experts on here so they can help.

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