how to get him to stop attacking me!


Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
Hey! Haven't been on here in a while lol.
I think last time I was on here I was having some vitamins problems with my boy, Buzzard, he was acting odd and was really skinny but hes doing way better now!
Him and Newt have become closer since they are living together in a bigger enclosure outside and I'm very proud of them.
But-- since its mating season, Buzzard has decided to attack me anytime I go into their enclosure and sometimes he'll hump my legs and feet.. I do understand hes doing it since its mating season and he wants more females (which I can't provide at the moment) but I was wondering how I could get him to stop or show him that I'm boss (since I can't give him more females..)?
When I go to see them, he runs around the enclosure and tries to get me and when I open the door, sometimes he'll run out and start biting at my feet and legs, I usually end up with a lot of bruises on my hands. He'll even fly up and grab my hands with his beak!

Also wanted to congratulate Newt, shes laid two eggs so far!
Here are some pictures (only one egg since the other was cracked when I found it)


(yeah I decided to add some flowers to make it look pretty! Lol)

EDIT: also wanted to add I don't think Newt is allowing him to mate with her.
I had a stuffed animal in there for him when I first put them in there (since he loved sleeping with stuffed animals and it smelled like me too so I hoped it would comfort him) and he mates with it all the time and I've never seen them mate before (doubt I'll ever catch them in the act though) and they sleep together in their houses sometimes but I never really see them very close together.
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Hey! Haven't been on here in a while lol.
I think last time I was on here I was having some vitamins problems with my boy, Buzzard, he was acting odd and was really skinny but hes doing way better now!
Him and Newt have become closer since they are living together in a bigger enclosure outside and I'm very proud of them.
But-- since its mating season, Buzzard has decided to attack me anytime I go into their enclosure and sometimes he'll hump my legs and feet.. I do understand hes doing it since its mating season and he wants more females (which I can't provide at the moment) but I was wondering how I could get him to stop or show him that I'm boss (since I can't give him more females..)?
When I go to see them, he runs around the enclosure and tries to get me and when I open the door, sometimes he'll run out and start biting at my feet and legs, I usually end up with a lot of bruises on my hands. He'll even fly up and grab my hands with his beak!

Also wanted to congratulate Newt, shes laid two eggs so far!
Here are some pictures (only one egg since the other was cracked when I found it)

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(yeah I decided to add some flowers to make it look pretty! Lol)

EDIT: also wanted to add I don't think Newt is allowing him to mate with her.
I had a stuffed animal in there for him when I first put them in there (since he loved sleeping with stuffed animals and it smelled like me too so I hoped it would comfort him) and he mates with it all the time and I've never seen them mate before (doubt I'll ever catch them in the act though) and they sleep together in their houses sometimes but I never really see them very close together.
The bird that is attacking you is a duck, right? My duck is doing the same thing
Call his bluff, grab him and hold him down. You have to exert your dominance at all times with any type of livestock.
No. Just.... no. While some people claim that works with aggressive males, I have yet to ever have that work longer than a few minutes.

Personally I would get a new drake and/or more females. But I don't tolerate aggressive males, period. If you're intent on keeping him, I guess maybe get some rubber waders to wear in the pen to help deflect some of the agression?

@Overo Mare has calls, she might have some more advice
No. Just.... no. While some people claim that works with aggressive males, I have yet to ever have that work longer than a few minutes.

Personally I would get a new drake and/or more females. But I don't tolerate aggressive males, period. If you're intent on keeping him, I guess maybe get some rubber waders to wear in the pen to help deflect some of the agression?

@Overo Mare has calls, she might have some more advice
I am intent on keeping him since before mating season, he was super sweet and I love him and my other duck Newt so much.
I do want to get more females but at the moment I can't.

I guess for now I'll have to try to keep my hands away from him lol. It doesn't hurt when he bites my feet and legs since he usually grabs onto my pants but when he gets my hands, it usually hurts.

Fingers crossed I can get more females soon!

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