How to rekindle my relationship with my duck + my drake humps everything!


Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
First off wanted to say happy birthday to my girl Newt!!

Second off I wanted to ask how do I rekindle my relationship with Newt? We used to be best friends and she wanted to be with me 24/7 but now she wants to be away from me 24/7. I tried treats (her favorite are dandelions) but she'll come up to me, eat them, then run away.
The last time she actually wouldn't run from me and she wanted to hangout was when I built their enclosure outside and I put her in there with her worst enemy, Buzzard, our drake. Although she hated him at first, now they are mates and she freaks out without him. Buzzard on the other hand, he used to be very shy and scared of her and everything (but me) but since they became mates, hes gotten a lot more mean. I do know it is mating season (although I think it's ending/ended by now?) but he still continues to hump.. everything. Absolutely everything! Hes humped stuffed animals, hes humped blankets, hes humped the ground, literally everything he can touch he'll hump. He'll even attempt to hump my feet.
At first it seems like hes gonna attack you but then he'll begin trying to mate with either your foot or the ground. Hes very protective of Newt (to the point he attacks his own ducklings which are about the size of them now) but I'm not sure how to get him to stop trying to mate with everything. I've tried time out which only works if hes away from all of the ducks (where he cant see or hear them because that also gets him riled up) but he'll only be nice for about 10-30 minutes and then he'll go right back to attacking and trying to mate with everything.
So if anyone knows how can I rekindle my relationship with Newt and if there is any way to get Buzzard to stop trying to mate with everything, please let me know how!

Oh and the cutest thing happened today with Newt and Buzzard. We told Buzzard that it was Newt's birthday and not to be mean today and he gave Newt a kiss! (Well not really, just nibbled her beak lmao but still cute and good timing)
Happy Birthday Newt.

I don't have Calls and so far I haven't had a drake as hormonal as Buzzard so can't relate but like @Jenbirdee says time and patience. Breeding season will slowly wane down and hopefully Buzzard will be more chilled out. He may even like his kids then.
That's ducks and drakes for you!!!

Mine are all drakes, and they squabble in the spring, but they really miss eachother when one is removed for whatever reason.

Next year it will all be different. I have a drake I hand reared from a few days old. He was very close to me that year and then, after introducing him to other ducks in my back garden, he became "aloof." Now this year, he is back to following me around, biting my ankles demanding attention and wanting to sit on my lap. Who knows what it will be like next year!!
Thank you all! I assumed he was so hormonal because it's his first mating season so I do hope he chills out more : D
Anyway, I made a birthday cake for Newt (following @/dunkinducks tutorial on youtube!)
Screenshot 2023-07-18 1.33.52 PM.png Screenshot 2023-07-18 1.33.02 PM.png Screenshot 2023-07-18 1.32.46 PM.png Screenshot 2023-07-18 1.32.19 PM.png Screenshot 2023-07-18 1.31.35 PM.png Screenshot 2023-07-18 1.31.24 PM.png
Wish the pictures could've been better but my phone is still broke, working on getting a new one!
First picture are the ducklings, they are enjoying the cake and having zoomies!
(Just wanted to say that the dark thing behind Fawn and Jellyfish aka the darker ducklings in the first image is just basil! At first I thought it was a poo but then I realized it was just basil that they slung off the cake!)

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