How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

Red Sex Link 17 weeks
Have two other red sex links not laying and 3 Amberlinks same age that aren't laying yet.
Getting smaller brown eggs so far. I Love it! Hope they get a little bigger because they are maybe medium size eggs right now. Thanks
White Cornish Rock started at 19 weeks laid 4 and has stoped for now and a Black Sexlink started at 17 weeks 1 a day like clock work. Still waiting on my younger RIR's to start.
Light Brahmas -- 20 weeks, medium-sized light brown eggs which as they got older became large/jumbo, all started about the same time. They are 17 months old now and finally laying a good quality egg. Prior to that, their eggs rarely looked uniform and had excessive blood-spot. They did lay thoughout the winter though, without requiring much "encouragement".

Aracaunas -- first egg 18 weeks, some behind by a couple days, nice pale blue, occasionally deeper colored teal; small eggs right now, but seem to be getting bigger. Had one egg very thickly shelled that was no bigger than the tip of my thumb--ate it anyway!

Black Australorps -- all started laying at 19 1/2 weeks, small dark brown eggs right now. Their eggs are all very good quality and uniform in size, shape and color. I have seen no "jelly eggs" out of them.
I'm at 22 weeks with my current flock and this is what I have so far:

Cuckoo Maran: 18.5 weeks
beautiful, perfect little brow eggs, now laying almost daily

White Silkie:
Hen No. 1: 20 weeks, lovely pinkish eggs, now laying almost daily
Hen No. 2: 21.5 weeks, also lovely pinkish eggs, but only 3 eggs so far

Red Leghorn, Silver-spangled Hamburg and Silver-penciled Wyandotte: nothing so far at 22 weeks
(which is curious... suspect secret nesting place somewhere

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