How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

Mine is almost 23 weeks old and no egg.
Mine is almost 23 weeks old and no egg.

Not unusual at all. Late maturing breed. My girls didn't look full grown until 16 months or so.
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My first hen to lay an egg was a black star on the day she turned 20 weeks.

I have a 10 month old blue ameraucana that has yet to lay.

I have a bunch of 26 week old ameraucanas, a speckled sussex and a GC maran that have yet to lay eggs.
Breed of hen- Production Red

Age in weeks when she laid- 18

If you have more than one of that breed, did they all start laying around the same time?- No, it's been a week and she is still the only one laying.

Color of egg-
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My flock of four RIR two are now laying.
One since she was 17+ weeks and the other started at 19+ weeks.

We are now 20+ weeks and they are the only two laying, but I get consistant 2 eggs a day. They are still pretty small, but the most recent egg is long like an XL but skinny.. prob a double yoker.

I have one SLW that is same age, and nothing from her yet.

Come on girls!
Breed of hen- bantam cochin

Age in weeks when she laid- 16

If you have more than one of that breed, did they all start laying around the same time?- no!

Color of egg- brown

Size of egg- about 2" from top to bottom. always 1.3 oz for normal eggs and 1.8oz for double yolkers. She lays every day.

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