How often do turkeys lay eggs & what to do with the eggs?

My Bourbon Red pair free range, and yesterday my son came across the hen sitting on a nest of 16 eggs
He and my wife moved them into the barn into a "nest" that they put together. Not sure how long many of these eggs have been out there and the hen doesn't seem too interested in sitting on them....even when they were out in the pasture, she came to the barn to roost at night. Are the eggs good?
Good Morning, i got my first turkeys back on the 25 of March 2015, their about three weeks old now. I got two American Whites & two Bronze. I've read that most Turkeys will not breed naturally, unless they meant these two breeds i choose. Is that true? Because alot from this thread claim they hatch their eggs.
Good Morning, i got my first turkeys back on the 25 of March 2015, their about three weeks old now. I got two American Whites & two Bronze. I've read that most Turkeys will not breed naturally, unless they meant these two breeds i choose. Is that true? Because alot from this thread claim they hatch their eggs.

As long as they are nit the broadbreasted variety they have no problems reproducing.

Broadbreasted toms get to big to seal the deal.

Some have luck breeding broad hens to domestic toms and incubate eggs. As the hens large size they have tendency to break eggs while setting.

If you got them at a farm store and price was 6-9 dollars. They are probably the broad variety.

There are numerous threads on here on how to keep them past butcher age if you don't want to butcher them.
Yes, Feedman77

I got mine through a feed store, they claim they will not breed naturally. I did get them to slaughter for the holidays by we have already become really fascinated with them. Their nothing like alot of chickens who seem to run in fear every time you enter the pen, these little guys stare at you in AWH,.like hey what's that. And they actually come running up to you once you get in there and settle down with them. For not a better way of stating, Their just "Really Cool".

Here is a pic of two of my now favorite birds, don't get me wrong I still really love my ducks and geese, but these lil guys are just Really COOL!!! We haven't named them yet, not sure we will unless I decide we won't process them. And if that happens then I'll clip their wings and let them run the yard with the ducks and geese. I'm sure the "Frau" with say "Oh Great" more birds as YARD ART.
Yes, Feedman77 I got mine through a feed store, they claim they will not breed naturally. I did get them to slaughter for the holidays by we have already become really fascinated with them. Their nothing like alot of chickens who seem to run in fear every time you enter the pen, these little guys stare at you in AWH,.like hey what's that. And they actually come running up to you once you get in there and settle down with them. For not a better way of stating, Their just "Really Cool". Here is a pic of two of my now favorite birds, don't get me wrong I still really love my ducks and geese, but these lil guys are just Really COOL!!! We haven't named them yet, not sure we will unless I decide we won't process them. And if that happens then I'll clip their wings and let them run the yard with the ducks and geese. I'm sure the "Frau" with say "Oh Great" more birds as YARD ART. :celebrate
I will agree turkeys have a lot more personality than chickens. That's why I have a lot of yard art. Started with 3. Liked em so much now have 24 running around. Enjoy em while you got em. :thumbsup
My Bourbon Red pair free range, and yesterday my son came across the hen sitting on a nest of 16 eggs.

He and my wife moved them into the barn into a "nest" that they put together. Not sure how long these eggs have been out there and the hen doesn't seem too interested in sitting on them....even when they were out in the pasture, she came to the barn to roost at night. Are the eggs still good? Should I put them in an incubator?
My blue slate turkeys breed naturally and have been laying like crazy. Turkeys normally lay one egg a day to one every other day. We have so many, I'm going to start selling them and probably eating them too.

@cwojbaker I recently put 10 day old Muscovy duck eggs in the incubator. I candled them over the weekend and all are showing signs of life. I would put the turkey eggs in the incubator.

My wife and I have been buying meat chickens for the last 3 years and this year we had a really bad time with them I lost almost half of all I bought (they were left in a vehicle in freezing temps during shipping) and now 4 of them have severe legs problems and the rest just don't seem to be growing like they did in the first couple of years.

So we've been thinking, with the new turkeys we've gotten they seem a lot eaiser to take care of then the meat chickens.

If I wanted to raise my own turkeys which breeds would be the best breed to start with for raising and hatching my own.

The ones I have now are Bronze & American Whites both I believe are considered a broad breasted turkey, and I've read that's why they can't reproduce naturally.

So suggestions would be appreciated.


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