How often do turkeys lay eggs & what to do with the eggs?

I haven't considered it. The laws are so hard in Arizona. Not allowed to call them local or fresh. I would rather give them away, maybe my friends will give me something in return. : ) I do wonder how much big pretty turkey eggs are worth. I also get 2 white eggs a day and one dark brown egg.
If they were fertile they could go for roughly $3-$4 an egg.

I have never sold mine for eating and likely wouldnt since mine are fertile, but if I did sell unfertile turkey eggs for eating I would maybe sell them for around $8 a dozen. I have no clue what the norm would be on something like that.
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My turkey, Lurkey laid one egg per day for a few weeks, but now I get one every 3 or 4 days. She was broody and I have to be careful to collect the egg as soon as possible. She is sweet and gentle but doesn't like me taking her eggs.

How do turkey eggs compare to duck eggs??? I did read that turkey eggs were harder to crack, same with duck eggs..I love my duck eggs fried or scrambled with cheese and a little milk.. or in baked goods
I am allergic to chicken eggs but not turkey! I love them baked. 32 minutes at 350, in a muffin tin, then put in ice water. They have super thick shells. They taste the same as chicken eggs and yhe yolks are huge.
I wonder if it's an allergy to chicken eggs or an allergy to the feed the chicken was given to eat. After a lot of sleuthing, i found i am allergic to the soy most farm animals are supplemented with. Allergy testing confirmed the soy allergy along with a lot of other foods. I cannot eat commercially raised chicken or commercially raised turkey meat. So, we raise as much as of our own meat & poultry as we can. The chickens grow much more slowly without the soy in their feed, but that was expected. We do supplement with beef or other meat to raise the protein level of their feed.
I think you are right! I made muffins with a small Polish egg and I was fine. It must be something in the feed of store bought eggs. If I accidentally eat something that has eggs I get raised itchy hives. I am deathly allergic to antibiotics. Geeez.
I think you are right! I made muffins with a small Polish egg and I was fine. It must be something in the feed of store bought eggs. If I accidentally eat something that has eggs I get raised itchy hives. I am deathly allergic to antibiotics. Geeez.

Antibiotic residue can be in meat/poultry, but I leaned toward the soy when I was trying to figure this out because 47% soy is not unusual in premixed chicken feed. The soy always seems to always be in the feed (unless you mix your own). Allergy testing might be a good thing to have certainly gave me a direction to go. Good luck!


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