How much water per day syringe



Sep 16, 2021
Feeding my hen, not active or laying eggs. She's sick and isn't eating or drinking on her own. I'm using a syringe. How much water (in ml) should I give her a day if I'm using a 5ml syringe?
Feeding my hen, not active or laying eggs. She's sick and isn't eating or drinking on her own. I'm using a syringe. How much water (in ml) should I give her a day if I'm using a 5ml syringe?

put some honey in water and give her 2,5 ml 5-6x a day. you can put a drop of acv as well. don't give her too much water at once. I have been doing that for years with my sick chickens. some live some die.
Oh wow! I've been giving her 10ml every few hours! So you think I can keep doing that?

I think about 90 ml per day is ok. if you manage to give her so much water she probably is not as bad. I have a sick silkie hen and fight to give her 2,5 ml.
It's actually much safer than trying to pass liquid by her open airway with a syringe. I use a lamb tube. Most farm stores carry them. You can of course order anything online.

If a syringe gets her enough and it works for you though, that's all that matters.
I think about 90 ml per day is ok. if you manage to give her so much water she probably is not as bad. I have a sick silkie hen and fight to give her 2,5 ml.
Ok that makes me feel a little better. She got some of her strength back and flogs me and tries to fly away when I pick her up. That's more like her. The first day and a half I had her in the house she was really lethargic and let me do whatever I wanted to. I knew something was wrong cuz she's the queen hen the top of the pecking order if you know what I mean

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