How much water per day syringe

I went through this (back in February) with one of my 4 year old hens. I tube fed her for 4 weeks, and she recovered, and went back to eating on her own, and back to her normal weight. Still don't know what the issue was.
Interesting. Same here! I'm just glad she's getting better. My question now is, how do I know she's getting enough? Without going backwards? Or do I just keep weighing her and let her go back with the others?
Interesting. Same here! I'm just glad she's getting better. My question now is, how do I know she's getting enough? Without going backwards? Or do I just keep weighing her and let her go back with the others?
I would slowly back off the tube feeding until she's been consistently eating and drinking on her own for a few days. Then weigh her every morning on an empty crop. If she starts dropping again, back to the tube.

I agree with Kathy on the poo.
I would slowly back off the tube feeding until she's been consistently eating and drinking on her own for a few days. Then weigh her every morning on an empty crop. If she starts dropping again, back to the tube.

I agree with Kathy on the poo.
Ok thank you! I'll do just that!


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The color of the poop worries me, it's a little too green. If she were mine I would give her some Baytril.
Baytril 10% - All Bird Products
I would give 0.07 ml per pound of bodyweight orally for 3-5 days.
So I let biscuit out with her ladies today. She seemed to be doing great eating with them and even resuming her position as Queen hen and the pecking order. But tonight she didn't want to go into the coop. She just stood outside thinking of bock bock noise as if she was trying to tell me something. I took her in the house after failing to convince her to go in. Could this mean that she's not ready yet? It just seems weird that you act normal with everyone and then all of a sudden not want to go on a coop.
she didn't want to go into the coop. She just stood outside thinking of bock bock noise as if she was trying to tell me something.
Probably just habit: she's used to sleeping in the house, instead of in the coop.

Whenever you are sure she is ready to live outside again, put her in the coop each night. She may take a few days to get back in the habit of sleeping there.

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