Hen died sitting on eggs..Why??

For the red mite, you need to treat both the coop and the bird. Many people use used motor oil to treat the undersides of the roost poles as this is a normal hiding place as partof their routine. It is hard to treat with a dust. An approved spray would work on both the chicken and the coop. Read label directions. A dust would work on the chicken but might be hard to get in the cracks and crevices underneath where they like to hide. If this mite is the problem, you want to retreat in a week or so to catch the ones that hatch out.

edited: I should have had enough coffee, but evidently not.
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In THEORY, smashing garlic with water and placing in a spray bottle should work fro killing mites. If it is a small coop, placing a few cloves of garlic around may deter them. If the birds eat the garlic, then it will be in their blood and the mites shouldn't find the birds as tasty.

I say "in theory" because I have not practiced this myself. Just wanted to throw this out there.
Unfortunately you should do a necropsy on her. It is not for everyone but I recently had to do this with one of my babies. Basically she laid an internal egg causing infection throughout her whole internal cavity. It left me glad that I did it only because at that point, I know what to look for in other hens, but most of all, it wasn't something I missed.
It could be mites, fleas, worms and all that stuff. Ship her off to a local University for diagnostics (find them online or call local vet for information) Good luck to you!

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