Help I have a new New Rooster


May 26, 2022
Laurelville, Ohio USA
Hey everyone, it's be a while since I've been on here. But I need help. We just got rooster from a neighbor for our 7 hens. He's caged up right now in the coop. I'm going to let him out Saturday. But I'm wondering if I should clip one of his wings or not so he doesn't fly out. I have a couple of wild hens and rooster that came with the property and he has killed 3 of my hens already. The last thing I need is a cock fight. We've tried catching the rooster to get rid of him but have unsuccessful. So, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Much thanks in advance ☺️
Your new rooster won't fly away because he will want to stay with your hens, but it is very likely that he will be attacked by the feral rooster. The feral rooster needs to be shot or he will always be a problem. If you have a predator control board or animal catcher in your area you can see if they will help. :old
Thanks for the reply. I will have to look into that also.

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