Help! Hen's vent covered in maggots. Treatment?

how did you kill the larve? I flushed out her veny my hen has larve in where her egg comes out at and I flushed her with warm water how do you kill the germs and larve. to where they are gone? when Iwas flushing her a fly came out too.
Well, I didn't kill the larvae. I just washed her out, and because they hadn't penetrated her skin, that was that. I hope you have the same experience!
If the op ever runs into this situation again, I've found the best way to quickly wipe out burrowing maggots from a wound is with the Prozap Screw worm aerosol: . It is important to prevent future problems while the wound heals. I cleaned the wound with Betadine and gave a spritz of permethrin spray on the feathers around the vent to keep the flies away. Check the wound daily and do your best to keep the vent clean. I'm glad you remedied the problem before it could have become much worse.
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I hoped my solution worked I found her nest and she is sitting on 10 eggs.

she is eating and drinking so she appears healthy.
I will look for some of that prmethine spray.
I hoped my solution worked I found her nest and she is sitting on 10 eggs.

she is eating and drinking so she appears healthy.
I will look for some of that prmethine spray.

Good to have the Prozap Screw Worm aerosol on hand in the future. Just keep the area clean every day and let it heal. It doesn't take long for those filthy little flies to lay eggs and have them hatch.

It's cheaper to buy a good chemical rated hand sprayer and a good concentrate like Permectrin II. A little goes a long way for mixing.
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Treated a hen today for these symptoms (couple of baths, maggot picking with tweezers ). Ordered the spray from amazon (different name, same active ingredient). She now sleeps standing with her head tucked under her wing. I hope she recovers.
You asked to be corrected if what you said about "nothing will kill maggots" is not true.

Ok, so this is your "correction"! ;)

Maggots are easily treated with 1% Ivermectin injectable, .1ml into the breast muscle for a standard sized chicken, in my case, a Buff Orpington. 1% Ivermectin is available at feed stores as is the syringe. Maggots will all be dead within 24-48 hours. Ivermectin is indicated and effective against all parasites.

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Finn's Mom hasn't posted in over 2 years so I doubt she will read your post on this 5 year old thread that was already revived once over 2 years ago. But thanks for the info.
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Yeah I know, but new information may prove useful to others finding themselves in similar situations.

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