
In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2022
I’ve always wanted chickens to experience the whole egg/chick experience. But I’ve always been in suburbia “not zoned for chickens!☹️ BUT I’m experiencing the egg/chick thing with QUAIL! For 10 months now, I now have 9 female quail (the males are at freezer camp)😡. I purchased them from Myshire Farms, Jumbo Wilds– Coturnix Quail Hatching Eggs. My favorite aspects of raising my “garage” covey is that I love the relationships I’ve developed. Do you know I have 3 girls that do that occasionally do that egg-layer-song in the morning when I turn on their light & open the door to the yard. I’m eager to feed them, listening to their responses/chirps, creating diy food, prep produce food + AM/PM refills of layer crumble. They enjoy getting out of their Wynola Ranch cage & into the portable yard chicken run. My hobbies are: canning, making yogurt, soft farm cheese, reading, facilitating a Zoom Fellowship, pistol shooting. Not in that order :). We, my husband & I, care for an elderly parent along with a Tibetan Lion known as Senge (Shitzu). I’m a healthcare manager on an extended sabbatical 😁 and a licensed minister. I found BYC when I searched for more diy quail recipes and have known about your website since last year when I researched starting a covey. Looking fwd to reading in here 👋🏻.

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