Have you shopped here before?

There are a number of pigeon and fish medicine suppliers in the US. I have ordered Tylosin powder from Jedds.com , and it is 99% strength, and that is the way some companies can get by with selling prescription drugs for animals without a prescription. The 100% (Tylan Soluble Powder) is prescription only. Some suppliers sell less pure or diluted medicines. The Tylosin in this companies doesn’t make since on the strength and dosage. It says 200 Grams. It doesn’t say what strength it is. Tylan is 100 Grams and dosage is 1 tsp per gallon. I would be a little suspicious of many of those medicines. Most of the ones we see online available without a prescription have no brand name or Manufacturer listed. It is always blind trust when ordering those antibiotics. I tend to order anything from American companies, but it is always a crapshoot.

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