Trixie the Americana stopped laying, moves painfully, wobbles and no appetite


In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2024
hi friends, my daughter’s Americana chicken Trixie, the oldest and heartiest of our flock (and a consistent layer), stopped laying a week ago and exhibited all the signs of being egg bound. We’ve since done a myriad of things to help her. We did all the things recommended (epsom bath), abdomen massage, check her poop, keep her separate from others and encourage her to eat/drink. We even took her to the vet where they said it didn’t appear to be egg bound, despite the signs matching almost exactly (bobbing tail down, contracting poop/egg chute muscles, appetite loss, wobbly, etc). Since we are in winter here in Colorado there are no bug infestations and since she’s still hanging on, we don’t suspect poisoning. She eats (scrambled egg) when encouraged, and has been drinking and pooping.. some of the poops seeming more like egg yolk even.. but we didn’t want to pay the $500 they suggested to do all the tests and X-rays.. so we left the vet with pain meds (which do help) and decided to forego the antibiotics since we wouldn’t be able to eat the eggs if she recovers and gets back to herself. She is barely sustaining and just sits in a little nesting box we made for her. She stands up after she has a pain pill and shows mild improvement but is back to panting and sitting uncomfortably when it wears off. I even brought her up to Breckenridge with me since I had ski stuff this weekend and she’s just hanging in her open box in our mudroom (where it’s cool but not cold). It’s been a week now so I’m needing advice from you all and I just signed up for an account for this reason.. I’m so sad for her. If you want our full chicken story, feel free to read my hello post.. thanks in advance for your help.


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The antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal (I know lol) properties of mushrooms could help your hen. Ganoderma applanatum, tramettes versicolor, chaga, the other ganodermas etc, made into tea and used to drench feed can be really beneficial to healthy and unhealthy creatures. Many can be foraged, or found at your local health food store.
hi friends, my daughter’s Americana chicken Trixie, the oldest and heartiest of our flock (and a consistent layer), stopped laying a week ago and exhibited all the signs of being egg bound. We’ve since done a myriad of things to help her. We did all the things recommended (epsom bath), abdomen massage, check her poop, keep her separate from others and encourage her to eat/drink. We even took her to the vet where they said it didn’t appear to be egg bound, despite the signs matching almost exactly (bobbing tail down, contracting poop/egg chute muscles, appetite loss, wobbly, etc). Since we are in winter here in Colorado there are no bug infestations and since she’s still hanging on, we don’t suspect poisoning. She eats (scrambled egg) when encouraged, and has been drinking and pooping.. some of the poops seeming more like egg yolk even.. but we didn’t want to pay the $500 they suggested to do all the tests and X-rays.. so we left the vet with pain meds (which do help) and decided to forego the antibiotics since we wouldn’t be able to eat the eggs if she recovers and gets back to herself. She is barely sustaining and just sits in a little nesting box we made for her. She stands up after she has a pain pill and shows mild improvement but is back to panting and sitting uncomfortably when it wears off. I even brought her up to Breckenridge with me since I had ski stuff this weekend and she’s just hanging in her open box in our mudroom (where it’s cool but not cold). It’s been a week now so I’m needing advice from you all and I just signed up for an account for this reason.. I’m so sad for her. If you want our full chicken story, feel free to read my hello post.. thanks in advance for your help.
Sounds like a possible reproductive disease possibly. Can you get a picture of her standing posture, & poop?
That does look like she may have a reproductive infection. I would get the antibiotic the vet offered. You can use a month’s egg withdrawal for most antibiotics, including enrofloxacin/Baytril. It might extend her life. I have had hens with those droppings last quite awhile. Most egg bound chickens cannot poop. Calcium citrate with vitamin d given in case of egg bound is the usual treatment.
Get the antibiotics....if you want her to stay alive. It may actually be too late for antibiotics though if she has had an infection brewing for a while.

I just read your intro post...I am so sorry you are having to learn about chicken diseases the hard way. Once you get one in your flock it is almost impossible to get rid of it. I would never buy chickens from a swap or auction. You have a much less likely chance of bringing home a disease if you order day old chicks from a major (not a backyard breeder) hatchery.
Get the antibiotics....if you want her to stay alive. It may actually be too late for antibiotics though if she has had an infection brewing for a while.

I just read your intro post...I am so sorry you are having to learn about chicken diseases the hard way. Once you get one in your flock it is almost impossible to get rid of it. I would never buy chickens from a swap or auction. You have a much less likely chance of bringing home a disease if you order day old chicks from a major (not a backyard breeder) hatchery.
We have had her for 5-6 months and just exhibited this a week ago.. is it possible for it to lie dormant that long before manifesting? Thanks for your response

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