Hanging Cabbage?

The only thing better than cabbage for my girls is Spaghetti with natural yogurt. lol... or winter morning porridge.

I began by using a piece of wool to hang up the cabbage but given the speed they devour it, I gave up, the stakes I use are in either corner of the run, and they are shaped like hooks to take tealight lanterns, so I just hook the cabbage directly onto them now, they don't last long.
My husband asked me, last night, if I would like a garbage disposal. I don't know why, I already have so many.....


like anything gets wasted here!

and of course, the compost pile.....
I love the bungy cord idea!! That's awesome. I love having the chickens around the majority of leftovers go to them. We keep a bowl on the counter for chicken scraps, so when we go out to the coop we can dump it into the run for them. I have some romaine hearts here, I think I may string one of those up today for them. It's pretty windy here in CO, so they should have fun trying to catch it!!

The hole thru the cabbage is great. Just have a short piece of wood on the bottom and bring the rope thru the top and this will prevent a lot of damage to chickens

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