Hanging Cabbage?

I have a U of stiff wire run through some chain. I push the open ends of the u into the core and hang it about 3 feet up so they jump.
better'n TV!
What about using a mesh bag like the onions come in?? Would there be any danger of the chickens choking on it?? I had planned to hang veggies like that ...but maybe the string idea would be safer??
I love to hang cabbage, I just use bailing wire and stick it through the base twist it once or twice, and hang the tag end from the rafters in the run. Works like a charm with no problems. We use bailing wire for everything in Oklahoma. country ghetto LOL LOL.

Instead of attaching the string/wire to the ceiling of the coop directly, I like to attach it to a bungee cord. I then attach the bungee to the ceiling.

The bouncy cabbage is a little more challenging to eat and keeps the girls from getting bored.

Besides, I believe in using bungees whenever possible!
I like the screw idea, I've been using a wire loop.

I cut slits in the cabbage, from the crown down so it's kinda shredded a little. Maybe try that if they are not eating it.
Ooooooh, I love the bungee idea! I love anything that uses bungees.
I've had one almost constantly in the coop all winter, they love it and it uses up the wormy cabbages I grew. Warning--the purple cabbage gives their poo a really weird green color that is creepy.
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You will be very lucky if it lasts a day.

Mine can make a cabbage vanish in about 30 minutes.

I have some lamp stands that I sink into the ground and I have the cabbage on string from them.... wasting my time they prefer football, but itis fun to watch them deal with it... Spring Greens last about 5 minutes.

The stands are the stakes that hold little tealight lanterns in the garden.

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