Goodbye Ducks - Happy Ending

How did you trap them? Why didn't you use traps to begin with? This whole thread is quite confusing and I am suspecting something is not quite right. It seems a bit strange you went from "my ducks are gone forever" to "they are home now." Just seems a bit off...........Hmmmmm....also this is off topic, but what the heck does your signature mean at the bottom of your posts?
I tough they can't go back, but my uncle and my cousin bringing they back without saying to me, Was a surprise
Oh Lily what fantastic news!!!!!! I bet you were surprised!! So happy for you. How are the ducks doing? You say you are treating them with a spray, hopefully they are rid of the pests.
Wow, I'm happy your uncle and cousin brought them back to you! What a great surprise! They'll be much safer and happier at home with you than out on the lake. A happy ending!
Thank you Miss Lydia for the information. I keep my ducks' kennel aired out. Every morning when I let them out I pull out their water tub (which is on boards to keep it from sitting in mud) and give them their feed and they like to eat a few peas out of my hand. Then I fill their mortar tub pool with fresh water and they take their baths. I throw in a fresh clump of straw from my bale on top of the other straw and once a week I rake out all the straw, let the dirt air dry for the day while they are out then put in fresh straw. I hope thats good, it's my little routine and it seems to work. They also get fresh water in their little tub before they go in their kennel for the night and I duump out the water from their mortar tub each evening and leave it empty for the next morning.
Thank you Miss Lydia for the information. I keep my ducks' kennel aired out. Every morning when I let them out I pull out their water tub (which is on boards to keep it from sitting in mud) and give them their feed and they like to eat a few peas out of my hand. Then I fill their mortar tub pool with fresh water and they take their baths. I throw in a fresh clump of straw from my bale on top of the other straw and once a week I rake out all the straw, let the dirt air dry for the day while they are out then put in fresh straw. I hope thats good, it's my little routine and it seems to work. They also get fresh water in their little tub before they go in their kennel for the night and I duump out the water from their mortar tub each evening and leave it empty for the next morning.
Sounds like your doing a great job.
The cousin probably got lice from a friend or at school, its pretty common with kids, especially if they share hats or brushes. Sad the ducks were falsely accused and discarded, I hope someone responsible finds them and rescues them.
They are in my house now, stop it

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