Goodbye Ducks - Happy Ending

I don't think anyone wants to make you feel "worse"; not everyone is going to agree with your choice of disposal and they have good reason (and experience) for holding those opinions.

By sharing with you why your choice of disposal is not the wisest, isn't about making you feel worse (why would we? We all know the heartache of losing a duck and the emotions it involves), it is about informing you and maybe educating you about the choice you have made.

One thing I wish to add to the discussion is this: you say your ducks had an infestation of some kind and that is why no one wanted them? You also state you believe the bugs were passed to your cousin? If so .... why would you want to put other waterfowl and people at "risk" of catching whatever these bugs are by disposing of them in a public place?

I do hope Cocoa, Clementine, Daisy and Huey are rescued from the pond and given treatment for whatever bugs they have; if they had "thousands" they will be suffering and they look like such cute ducks too.

Good luck with getting a farm when you graduate. But, I would advise you do more research before buying any animals for it - to prevent heartache for you and for them.
Thanks but my ducks are in home now
Thanks but my ducks are in home now

So what are you treating your ducks bug issues with? I understand you only recently acquired ducks and are inexperienced but their health and welfare is your responsibility. What about your parents who were the ones who said they were a waste of money?

Interesting that the Mayor has got involved, why would that be? Have a number of people been abandoning ducks there, as you say all ducks were to be returned to their "respective owners"?

I know your ducks were looking malnourished in an earlier posting and forum members had to explain to you what to feed them and now you've had an issue with bugs (and are not totally sure, or clear, on what those bugs might be) so I strongly urge you to invest in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks. If you cannot afford to buy the book, please do check your library. To have two major issues with your ducks in less than two months of keeping them is a bit concerning and I think you would benefit from understanding their needs and requirements. That way, not only will your ducks flourish and thrive, but your parents won't see them as a "waste of money" when your ducks begin to produce eggs
(which they will not do if they are not cared for properly).
LilyAshley11? you type like English isn't your home language? and from what Mum says this is not the first issue you have had with these ducks. Can you explain a little better what is going on? please. Not so we can jump all over you but because we care and want to help if we can.
I thought the ducks couldn't be caught where you had let them go. How did you get them back? And why is the mayor involved???

Do you have any current pictures of your ducks so maybe posters can help identify whether they have mites or lice?
LilyAshley11? you type like English isn't your home language? and from what Mum says this is not the first issue you have had with these ducks. Can you explain a little better what is going on? please. Not so we can jump all over you but because we care and want to help if we can.
It not my home lenguage, i born in mexico, but my parents are from New mexico, and we come here a 4 years ago
I thought the ducks couldn't be caught where you had let them go. How did you get them back? And why is the mayor involved???

Do you have any current pictures of your ducks so maybe posters can help identify whether they have mites or lice?
the mayor is friend of my uncle, i get them back with a trap
So all your ducks are back at your home now or did you capture them and other people took them to their home? Are you treating them for 'lice'? With proper care your ducks will thrive and the girls will even give you eggs between 20-25 weeks old (but likely only with proper care). You had been feeding your ducks only cracked corn for the first few months of their life- you DID learn to get them better food and you had posted pics of them finally getting some beautiful feathers. I was so happy for them and for you.
How did you trap them? Why didn't you use traps to begin with? This whole thread is quite confusing and I am suspecting something is not quite right. It seems a bit strange you went from "my ducks are gone forever" to "they are home now." Just seems a bit off...........Hmmmmm....also this is off topic, but what the heck does your signature mean at the bottom of your posts?
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