French Black Copper Marans Sexing


10 Years
Dec 23, 2012
Texarkana, Arkansas
My Coop
My Coop
My Black Marans are now around 9 weeks old, and I'm trying to figure out if one of them is a rooster or a hen.

This is the possible roo, at least it is supposed to be a roo. I won't be too upset if it is a hen, since I can always just buy a roo later.

The next pictures are of the hen. I know she is a hen. Her comb and waddle are a fleshy pink. Above, the comb is a touch bigger and it and the waddle are more red.

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There are only two, just a lot of pictures. The group on the bottom is one and the group at the top is the other. So you think the one up top is a roo? The bottom is no doubt a hen.

I couldn't get a picture of them side by side.
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I hatched a French Black Copper Marans baby under a broody mama this past spring. The wives tale where you hold it on its back and if it flips over, it's a roo said it was a roo. He was huge, held his body more upright like our other FBCM roo, and we were convinced. No one could have convinced me this was a hen until He started laying eggs!
It is still hard to call her a her and though she is laying nicely she is still a bit bigger than the other hens. I was so thankful it was not a roo as we had to re-home our last roo due to the two of them trying to kill each other. With the big combs and wattles on male and female this is a hard breed to figure out young!
Really? I have owned at least 20 of them and I always have their gender accurate at 4-5 weeks of age. This thread is 5 years old BTW.
I know it’s a old tread. I just felt like posting something. Lol
Thanks for the reply. But really one day I think one is the boy then that both are boys. I’m so confused. What should I look for?

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